Lifted from Zen Cat, who stole it from Pache, who stole it from someone else, who stole it…..

I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.

hermia8April 15, 2004 - 5:16 am

what (conceptually, not physically) do you like best about yourself?
what is your favourite memory? in detail please!!! πŸ™‚
what would be your ideal society?

axolotl_eyesApril 15, 2004 - 8:00 am

Question excitement?

What’s the stinkiest place you’ve ever been?

When is your favorite time to look at the sky?

So you work at this mayonnaise factory. One day, the boss is walking by, trips, and drops his laptop into one of the vats. Now, would you be the one to volunteer to put on the scuba gear and go in and find it, or would you rather get fired than have to deal with submerging your entire body in warm, freshly processed mayonnaise?

axolotl_eyesApril 15, 2004 - 8:01 am

Re: Question excitement?

p.s. Hanami is out. I had promised Jo to go to her B-Day party, which I thought was on Saturday, but now turns out to be on Friday. Drats! Saturday maybe then?

thagApril 15, 2004 - 1:55 pm

When alone in the dark each night, what fear sometimes haunts you?

What three words would you like to enter someone’s head when they think of you?

Who would you rather be? Explain.

gypsyamberApril 16, 2004 - 1:36 am

Re: Question excitement?

Damn! Ah well, yeah saturday’s good. lunch? shall I come to yours? time? directions?
talk to you soon πŸ™‚

kitlingApril 16, 2004 - 4:43 am

damn anna nicked one of my questions

what would you like to be your favourite memory?

what piece of technology would you most like to have?

what would make you change your mind?

gypsyamberApril 16, 2004 - 5:10 am

Re: Question excitement?

What’s the stinkiest place you’ve ever been?

It’s a tie between the Kokawa station toilets and the meat area of the Vic Market. Both make me gag and require stringent holding of breath just to pass by.

When is your favorite time to look at the sky?

at twilight, when the stars are first peeping out. I always wish on the first star I see.

So you work at this mayonnaise factory. One day, the boss is walking by, trips, and drops his laptop into one of the vats. Now, would you be the one to volunteer to put on the scuba gear and go in and find it, or would you rather get fired than have to deal with submerging your entire body in warm, freshly processed mayonnaise?

Scuba gear? Who needs scuba gear?! I’d be in there in a flash, taking the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to frolic naked in the warm squidginess of mayonaise and revelling in it!

gypsyamberApril 16, 2004 - 5:22 am

When alone in the dark each night, what fear sometimes haunts you?

The burnt body from Jaws 2 (or something equally horrible) is going to emerge from under my bed, out of the toilet or out of my cupboard, and kill me. Or Sadako is going to climb out of my tv nd kill me – in a really slow terrorfying way. Don’t laugh…I had three sleepless nights last year due to my imagination having far too much clarity! These are irrational fears and totally unrealistic, but try telling that to my pounding heart when I’m alone in the dark with nothing but my imgaination and overall fear of the dark and things what go bump in the night.

What three words would you like to enter someone’s head when they think of you?

I like her

Who would you rather be? Explain.

Ophelia – She has a wonderful life. She is totally adored, and somewhat spoilt! Everyone loves her (well, maybe 1% of people who have met her didn’t). Her life consists of sleeping, eating, laying and being lavishd with attention, and she always seems happy (well, who wouldn’t). About the only aspect of her life I wouldn’t like is the way her mum keeps disappearing for loooooong stretches of eternity!

Or maybe Elle Woods from Legally Blonde (stay with me here) because she never holds a grudge and treats everyone with equal kindness and thoughfullness, regardless of how they’ve treated her.

gypsyamberApril 16, 2004 - 5:42 am

what (conceptually, not physically) do you like best about yourself?

Can I go with physically – that’s much easier to answer!! capacity for love and to give of myself, or my creative streak.

what is your favourite memory? in detail please!!! πŸ™‚

Ophelia adopting me – definitely.
I was thirteen, visiting Anna in ballarat. She bred Burmese cats and had a litter of kittens which were unsellable due to a ringworm infestation. We were under strict instructions not to play with the kittens because of the ringworm. However, whenever we went in to feed them or change the litter, Ophelia would make stright for me, ignoring everything else, and miaow at my feet until I picked her up, or climb up me if I didn’t. Once in my arms, she would curl into my neck and purr, loudly! When Mum arrived to pick me up, Anna’s parents, somewhat sheepishly(I was not allowed another cat at that point), told her they thought she’d be taking home a kitten as well as a daughter.

what would be your ideal society?

The little I’ve ‘seen’ of gelfling and hobbit societies has definite appeal, though I suspect the elves have it all worked out!
Aspects of my ideal society – equality. true equality. No woman vs man, white vs black, gay vs straight, white collar vs blue collar, christian vs islam etc. These distinctions would hold no meaning, would not exist.
Arguements would be settled by janken, rather than by sending off thousands of people to die.
Everyone would have access to decent food, shelter, healthcare and education.
People would live for the day, taking time to enjoy life and not being in a constant race against time and and everyone else.
Environmental issues would be more important than the stock market – it would be unimaginable for companies to continue environmentally destructive acts.

There would be more defining points, but these are the main aspects of my ideal society. Thank-you for the brain exercise πŸ™‚

axolotl_eyesApril 16, 2004 - 5:43 am

Re: Question excitement?

When is good for you?? I will be home all day.

axolotl_eyesApril 16, 2004 - 5:48 am

Re: Question excitement?



hermia8April 17, 2004 - 12:58 pm

i like. thank you πŸ™‚ hope you’re well!

hermia8April 17, 2004 - 1:00 pm

great minds and all that πŸ™‚

kitlingApril 20, 2004 - 12:28 am

you know – my comment reads alot nicer with proper punctuation πŸ™‚


gypsyamberApril 21, 2004 - 12:42 am

what would you like to be your favourite memory?
Cool question!
Okay, *takes deep breath* Things having worked out with Sean
*shrug* what can I say, when I fall, I fall hard.
*prays that all those present for drunken tears don’t lose hope with her*

In reality, I guess two things I would like as my favourite memory
1. Attending the oscars as a nominee for make-up, having fulfilled my dream of working on something like LOTR, and having fulfilled Shanta’s dream of attending the oscars!!! (Gotta aim for the stars, sometimes quite literally!) or
2. Working in a dungeon in Melbourne, with Mistress Ursula and having slaves like those in England πŸ˜‰

what piece of technology would you most like to have?

A hybrid of Kit and the batmobile: a batmobile that could talk with me…it just doesn’t get much cooler than that!
Although…a teleporter machhine might pip Kitmobile at the post.. *thinks about it*
kay, yes, a teleporter definitely heads the list of wanna-have technology!!! Followed closely by a Kitmobile!

what would make you change your mind?
Many things! my love for someone, a good arguement, hormones, learning new things, the well-being of loved ones…
I rarely say never, and try to think of nothing as set in stone.
However there are some things that no-one could make me change my mind on, but these are the things that generally I don’t give people a chance to try, ie. bodyart.

gypsyamberApril 21, 2004 - 4:42 am

yes, I am very well. Winter has finally passed and I am basking in the warm glow of spring and many travels to come… generally feeling good about the world right now. Tis a great feeling πŸ™‚ Also helps that I’m currently at my favourite school, and the scary principal from my least fave school has been moved so am not dreading going back there. All is good, really good in my world right now…all I could possibly want to improve my life here right now (apart from my darling Ophelia waiting for me at home) would be a good shag!!! *grins and shrugs* But what can you do?!?!


That’s more like it!

mordwenApril 13, 2004 - 3:30 pm

Ha. 24.81% And no, I am not going to reveal the sordid details…

tombleApril 14, 2004 - 12:38 am

Yeesh….. Mine’s terribly high. Perhaps the unchecked items need to form a `to do list’. With some exceptions, of course!

gypsyamberApril 14, 2004 - 1:21 am

Oh absolutely!! The purity test – all various versions of – can be great for ideas!!!
I was a lot higher the last time I took one…I’ve been a busy little beaver! *wicked grin*

gypsyamberApril 14, 2004 - 11:09 am

Something to aim for!

Wow. Things is, there’s not an awful lot on that list which I haven’t done and still want to….
I did like that this one was purely about sex – I’m so much purer on the ones that include drugs and illegal activities!! I’m such a square sexy deviant!!!! *tongue in cheek and a big wink*

Mars bars are evil, evil I tell you….

I just swallowed one of my tongue stud balls, thanks to the nougat stickiness of the mars bar. Of course, it was the more expensive, custom-made ball. *big pout*
Two questions arise….
1. Will my hole stay open til I get home and replace ball?
2. Could I bear to ‘find’ the swallowed ball, and even if I can bring myself to do that, would I ever wear it again? Eew….

Now my tongue feels naked πŸ™

sly_girlApril 13, 2004 - 5:13 am

In case you’re wondering, the answer to
question #2 is NO!
It’s not so much the cleanliness as the
knowledge of where it’s been that just wouldn’t

gypsyamberApril 13, 2004 - 6:02 am

Yeah, exactly. Not that it would ever be going in my mouth again…I have other piercings requiring balls. It’s just hard to let $100+ of jewellry go down the drain, so to speak. Ouch! Why oh why can’t I be happy with steel just like everyone else?

sly_girlApril 13, 2004 - 6:46 am

Are you prepared to pay $100 to not have to
poo in a pot and search through it? ‘Coz I sure
as hell would be. Think of it in those

tombleApril 13, 2004 - 7:55 am

Well, as long as you sterilised it properly it should be fine. It’s really the `finding it’ part which is less than fun. Requirements – seive, gloves, antiseptic, empty stomach.

etsbaApril 13, 2004 - 8:06 am

I agree with tomble.
I’m it’s your shit, not someone elses..
(sorry but after all the nappies I’ve changed and arses I’ve wiped, you get a little blase about shit)

mordwenApril 13, 2004 - 8:54 am

I say retrieve it. $100+ and sentimental value, right?

The hassle from my point of view would be the frequency of attempts… so I’d be going the enema and sieve. Gloves an absolute must.

No more mars bars for you!

Reminds me of when I snapped my braces on a toffee. i’m sure that was more than $100… my parents were *not* impressed.

axolotl_eyesApril 13, 2004 - 9:34 am

I know how it is…I very nearly did that once. I felt the ball going down my throat, but rather than just swallow it, I half vomited it back up. Not so pleasant, but neither is sifting through your own feces or having your hole close up (which it most definitely will–and fast–mine starts to close after as little as three days) and having to get it repierced.

The choices left to you are neither fun nor pleasant, so I wish you the best of luck! Oh!…Or you could go to amerika-mura in Osaka and buy a replacement to tide you over until you can get back home and get the one you really want. I don’t know prices, but I do know that studs are available.

thagApril 13, 2004 - 11:03 am

Don’t be such a girl!

One time, Becca had a party at her pad in Brunswick. Me and Ollie were uncharacteristically very drunk and Bec was even worse off. We were chatting to her while she was waiting for the dunny. Eventually someone vacated the facilities and she staggered in.

Ol and I kept talking until my little drunkard fell back out into the hall and mumbled, “My tongue-stud fell into the toilet.”

After having a massive shit, she felt the artistic desire to chunder half a bottle of ouzo and a few mouthfuls of party food into the bowl as a chaser. The jewellery joined the exodus.

I gallantly tried to make my way to the door, but Ollie beat me to it and boldly declared that he would find it. Unfortunately, he walked straight back out again in a fit of sudden sobriety and ushered me through.

Mission accomplished, she sat it in vinegar for a while and stuck it back in her gob while I made use of a lot of soap.

I think the drunkeness kind of helped the old courage. My advice; grab a dozen bottles of the cheapest rotgut you can find and get sifting, Tank Girl! Then you can have a dinnertime story as pleasant as mine.

nigelwApril 13, 2004 - 2:31 pm


gypsyamberApril 13, 2004 - 2:32 pm

Ooh yes! I like that idea!!

gypsyamberApril 13, 2004 - 2:45 pm

Yeah, I actually am. It just seems such a waste to buy twice what I’ve already bought once. Plsu it was specially made and I had to wait two years for them to find a jeweller who would make it. Not counting on it being replaceable. Fortunately I had two made, one for another piercing which I haven’t worn yet. So the spare is currently in my mouth, screwed on tightly and scroogness is overcoming squeamishness.

gypsyamberApril 13, 2004 - 2:47 pm

Funnily enough, nappies was something that I thought of when trying to decide what to do!

gypsyamberApril 13, 2004 - 2:50 pm

I am wondering how long I have to wait before it makes it way through…or if it could get stuck somewhere along the way and leave me with a little gold ball in my stomach somewhere.
As for enema, have no idea how to do one, or where to get one here. Thinking fibre and patience is the way to go.

gypsyamberApril 13, 2004 - 2:56 pm

oooh, don’t remind me of fast-closing holes. When I first changed down bars, four weeks after the initial piercing, I awoke to discover the top ball missing and the hole closing up. Before checking my bed for the ball, I decided to push the bar through to keep the hole open. So I did, and lo and behold, the ball had not fallen off, it was still firmly attached to the bar…the tongue had healed OVER the ball, so much in my short 5 hour sleep that I had no idea the ball was in there. Very scary.
So today at work I periodically put the bar through the hole. Even so, when I got home and got spare ball, I had to push the bar through some healing tissue. Damn, but the tongue heals fast!
I’ve had it come off once before with eating, but I felt it immediately. Oh, and I’ve had someone kiss it off, twice! Very bizarre!

gypsyamberApril 13, 2004 - 3:01 pm

Re: Don’t be such a girl!

Can I? Can I really? Oh boy, oh boy. I’ve always wanted a charming dinnertime story such as those Ivanski always has!!!! Yup, got the gloves, chopstick (instead of sieve) and plate all in the toilet ready. Time to get intimate with my inner workings, and its waste!!!!
Very impressive of Bec to manage the reinsertion of the tongue stud – changing balls takes me long enough when I’m sober, can’t imagine I could ever do it drunk….otherwise I would definitely go the alcoholic influence option!

gypsyamberApril 13, 2004 - 3:04 pm

That’s meant to be, yes, I am prepared to sift through poop to avoid buying it again, or no, i’m not prepared to fork out another $100 odd just cos I’m squeamish. It can be used for another piercing where the thought of where it’s been really has no effect.

axolotl_eyesApril 13, 2004 - 10:14 pm

After almost losing it once, I now make sure that the looser of the two balls is on the bottom side of my tongue. That way, if it does get jostled off, it will just get stuck under my tongue and not follow that easy access path down my throat as it would on the top.

tombleApril 14, 2004 - 12:22 am

Re: Don’t be such a girl!

You know, I’ve seen some pretty weird (and terrifying) japanese porn stuff (thanks to I reckon you could find some middle aged office worker guy with a strange fetish, who would PAY you for the opportunity to find it.

Gahh.. I can’t believe I wrote that.

gypsyamberApril 14, 2004 - 1:26 am

How do you make sure the looser is on the bottom?

gypsyamberApril 14, 2004 - 1:27 am

Re: Don’t be such a girl!

I could do with the extra pocket money for the tat i’m getting…..

axolotl_eyesApril 14, 2004 - 3:56 am

Whenever you take out your piercing, usually one ball is more likely to be the one that unscrews than the other. So, whichever one comes off when I unscrew it always gets screwed on under the tongue when it goes back in.

kitlingApril 15, 2004 - 5:03 am

Re: Don’t be such a girl!

jesus christ

there goes my brain down the toilet


My worst nightmare

came true this weekend, only for a friend, not me. A friend’s father died very unexpectedly early Saturday morning. Shanta was staying at my house and recieved a call just before 2am from Nitty in tears. We were up and in the car, reaching Nitty’s place by 2.45, a distance which usually takes closer to an hour. And thus we embarked on a very surreal 24+ hours.
Nitty’s boyfriend was already on the plane, on his way for what he thought would be a two week stay in Japan – little did he expect he would be back on a plane 24hrs later. He was expected at 8am, nothing could be arranged earlier so Shanta, Nitty and I packed up her stuff, ready to ship, and started to pack up the stuff that would be left for the next ALT.
Once we’d picked up J from the airport, then the real insanity began. We had to change his return date, get a ticket for her, contact her supervisor, arrange shipping stuff, finalisation of contract stuff, arrange bank account closures, phone disconnection, cleaning apartment etc etc. We called on Blair for his help – my Japanese is not up to this sort of thing when I’m 100% functional, let alone working on 1.5 hrs sleep and the unbelievable knowledge that we were saying goodbye so suddenly to this friend with no knowledge of when we would meet again. Blair was wonderful with contacting her BOE and teachers and discussing all the logistics of getting her home asap.
If someone had’ve told me that doing everything we did yesterday would be possible in 24 hours, on a weekend, I would not have believed it. Yet everything got done and we saw off Nitty and J at 8.30 this morning.
Now Shanta is passed out on my floor and I’m close to it. Everything still feels surreal, then every now and then it hits me and I feel sick. The really scary thing is that the same thing happened to Nitty’s predecessor. She had to leave after just four months in Japan due to her mum dying. I remember when Nitty told me thinking how horrible that would be and what it would be like and how would I handle that situation. But to have it come true to a friend … … it is just so horrible. And now she is gone; the goodbyes have started four months earlier than expected.
I think I will crash now and feel later.

etsbaApril 11, 2004 - 7:20 am

I hope she’s okay.
It’s great you were all able to do so much for her.
You’ve always given 100% to your friends, it’s one of the many things that’s great about you, Ambs.
Rest up babe.

axolotl_eyesApril 11, 2004 - 8:55 am


Claire (Nitty’s predecessor) was one of my very good friends, so I understand how wrenching this can be. Being here when tragedy hits is strange. We wish to comfort and help, but the person must leave to deal with all of the rest of their world of which we really aren’t a part. Then, their sudden absence leaves a raw hole in the social rituals that hold us together. You are an amazing friend for helping her out with all that you did today. And now, those who remain have to depend on each other to fill that void that her leaving has left.

If you are around this weekend, I would love to meet up. It has been ages and I apologise for that.

etsbaApril 11, 2004 - 12:51 pm

When is a good time to call you?

gypsyamberApril 11, 2004 - 5:32 pm

Yeah, am thinking of not going to work tomorrow. It’s after 2 and I still can’t sleep…me! Miss Slept Through Her Uni Degree, can’t sleep. Talked to Trace for a couple of hours after Shanta left, watched a movie; am gonna try going to bed again and hopefully sleep will prevail…think I’ve gone through to the other side of exhaustion where I’m too tired to sleep. It’s so stupid and frustrating. Makes me very glad I’m not an insomniac! But I am glad I was able to do stuff to help. I’d much rather be in that position than finding out about it too late to help. She will be home by now…I worked out she was arriving in London about midnight our time. Still not comprehending the whole weekend. At least I know now that if such a thing did happen to me, everything could be organised within 24 hrs *wry grin*

gypsyamberApril 11, 2004 - 5:38 pm

hmmm.. the million dollar question! I can say that Thursdays and every 2nd and 4th Mondays are definitely out. Theoretically I’m home the other nights but it really is pot luck. I also have Wednesday afternoons off so can sometimes be caught at home then.Sorry to be so unhelpful :-/ The plus side is that I have an answering service and love getting messages!
Oh, and I’m *fingers crossed* getting a new tat in the next couple of months!! I’ve decided to get a bat on the back of my neck…just need to choose/make a design. As soon as I decide on a design, then I’m taking myself off to Osaka for some ink! Very excited :-))) *would bounce if had energy*

gypsyamberApril 11, 2004 - 5:51 pm

Oh and I love the photo of you two….will be printing it out this week – am at the school with colour printer..yay! Thanks πŸ™‚

gypsyamberApril 11, 2004 - 5:52 pm

ps. W mentioned that ivan has an lj…what’s his username?

damokunApril 12, 2004 - 4:25 am


Sorry to read your recent post. I hope that all is OK in Wakayama after the sudden (and unexpected) departure of a dear friend.

I’m here if you need a chat!

gypsyamberApril 12, 2004 - 5:33 am

Re: Shocking

Yeah, I’d love to meet up….umm a couple of options: Friday night I think Blair is organising a θŠ±θ¦‹ gathering at the castle if you’re interested..just have to confirm with him.
Saturday I have θŒΆι“γ€€in 粉河町 at three, so I could head over earlier and drop in, maybe we could have lunch…
Let me know what/when would suit you πŸ™‚

One thing that really impressed me over this whole weekend was how helpful and caring all her work people were: the koochoo sensei, her supervisor, the head of BOE, fellow teachers. it seemed like there was a stream of people calling by on Saturday to express their sympathy for her and say goodbye. It was really nice.
Just can’t believe the same thing happening twice in the same apartment. I so wouldn’t want to be the next ALT coming along to such stories.
Are you still in touch with Claire?

gypsyamberApril 12, 2004 - 5:43 am

Re: Daijobu?

Thanks πŸ™‚
Things are ok so far…but it still doesn’t feel like she’s gone. I think it’ll be a slow thing, for me at least, because I only saw her every two or three weeks. Whereas Shanta lived next door so they saw each other a lot and there are other friends who saw Nitty every weekend. Think it’s gonna hit them harder.

hey, Shanta and I are gonna be in Tokyo for golden week…will you be around? And can you suggest some rocking clubs…we’re _so_ in the mood to let loose and boogie the night away!!! If there are any that yu know that specialise in the retro 60’s,70’s,80’s, it would be too perfect…..

danse_gothiqueApril 12, 2004 - 6:01 am

My deepest empathy for your friend, and for you. This is a very difficult thing to go through.

I lost my mother when I was 16, and my father a few years after. It changes a person, and friends are so necessary.

etsbaApril 12, 2004 - 7:45 am

Thinking of friending him soonish.

etsbaApril 12, 2004 - 8:52 am

That sounds beautiful. How big?
Go big. Across your shoulder blades.
Dare you too!
I’ve been hanging for some more tatts but have to postpone now that I’m going to be getting up the duff. (Apparently the endorphin rush that accompanies inkwork isn’t that cool for lil fetuses, I’m not too sure but don’t want to chance it).
By the way is the plural ‘fetuses’ of ‘feti’? I really should know this one, given uni and all.
I’m curious to hear if your accent is changing, will be interesting to chat.

gypsyamberApril 12, 2004 - 1:55 pm

Yeah, friends are absolutely vital. I’m incredibly lucky and have strong friendships both here and at home. Nothing substitutes for friends who are there through all weathers.

I’m really sorry to hear about your parents. I suppose you get that a lot, but I really am. When I was 18, a friend who was pratically a sister lost her mother to cancer. She was 17 and her brother 14. It was so hard seeing them so lost and feeling cheated.
I believe strongly that all things happen for a reason, but for some things, it is extremely difficult to find that reason.

axolotl_eyesApril 13, 2004 - 4:50 am

Re: Shocking

Either way is o.k. for me this weekend…I really don’t have much of a plan other than Japanese Class from 430-530 on Friday night. I was thinking of heading to Bar Sol this evening for some tastiness before Jian leaves (at the end of THIS MONTH!). Someone new is taking over the place, so Bar Sol won’t be closing, but without Jian behind the bar it won’t be the same. Are you free tonight (and willing to make the trek out here?)? If you are, let’s enjoy going together! Otherwise, I’ll see you at the weekend.

I have kind of fallen out of touch with Claire, but after all of this happening, it does make me realize that she is due an email or a real letter.

gypsyamberApril 13, 2004 - 7:37 am

Re: Shocking

Unfortunately I am busy tonight, otherwise would be there in a flash. Man, the end of this month huh? Better get my butt into gear then. Jeez…

Come to θŠ±θ¦‹γ€€Friday night – it’ll be fun…. and then if for some reason you don’t make it, we can always meet up Sat for lunch….

M o r e   i n f o