Looking to people what know computery stuff…..

I’m trying to setup active sync on my laptop, have downloaded it successfully, but the connetcion wizard (which will magically set it up so I can plug in PDA and back-up stuff) keeps telling me that active sync is not installed on this system. Que? I’ve tried three times, in different order, but still the connection wizard refuses to see the active sync.

Also, how do I make my dvd player region free?

Off for more exploring and installing now 🙂

damokunOctober 28, 2004 - 2:51 pm

VLC is the answer!

I heard about a program that plays DVDs from any region on your computer and downloaded a program called “VLC media player”. It was designed by a bunch of French people and doesn’t invalidate your computer’s warranty. Yay! Don’t have the link, but I’m sure you could google it and find a way to get it for yourself. Happy DVD viewing!

nigelwOctober 29, 2004 - 12:10 am


Is the software I use to watch other-region discs. It works so well I actually paid for it. 🙂

ActiveSync on the other hand, I’ve no idea about.

kitlingOctober 29, 2004 - 12:33 am

stupid question – you have downloaded the active sync stuff but have you actually installed it?

its a dumb question, but sometimes people miss the obvious.

gypsyamberOctober 29, 2004 - 12:47 am

Not a stupid question! That _was_ my initial problem – I didn”t realise that just getting the icon on the desktop didn’t nes mean it was installed. But I worked that one out, still no luck. Oh, no wait….no, that’s right, I got the active sync working but now it won’t sync all my PDA stuff because it can’t access the PIM program (personal Identifiaction Manager I think)….I think it’s a program in my PDA but i can’t find it and I don’t know why it’s not accessible.
Any ideas?

kitlingOctober 29, 2004 - 1:05 am

Hmm…. well i used up my cleverness on your first problem.

so active sync is working.

I need to actually know more about the PDA I think, i recall looking at it before i left that country, I’m assuming you have read the manual. I also seem to recall yours isn’t a palm pilot correct? Did it come with software you should be installing? Rather than downloading something from the web (as I believe active sync is palm pilot software… but i’m not a palm user so i could be wrong…

nigelwOctober 29, 2004 - 1:09 am

Dunno about active sync being palm or not. I haven’t synced with a windows machine in years.

gypsyamberNovember 2, 2004 - 10:36 am

So which program did you get? and why? There seems to be a few to choose from…

nigelwNovember 2, 2004 - 11:52 pm

The one I got was DVD Region+CSS Free (back when it was just DVD Region Free)

I should check to see if I get free upgrades, actually. 🙂

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