I’m curious

Does anyone use the private security option? If so, why? What I mean is, why do you choose to write totally personal stuff on your lj rather than a flesh and blood, or rather, paper and cover journal? Just curious really.

lirionNovember 12, 2004 - 1:43 am

I don’t. If I was going to, I’d set up a completely separate journal and keep it private entirely. I like online chronicling, but I’m crapa t keeping a ‘diary’ in general, so I don’t tend to ahve the personal stuff I don’t want tot alk about to anyone, well, anywhee. But also, private entires good for stuff that you just want to keep a record of that are of no interest to anyone else maybe…

whitmanschildNovember 12, 2004 - 1:46 am

I’ve never used it. I’m pretty damn shameless when it comes to my emotions and the details of my personal workings. For the comfort of some of the more squeamish members of my audience, I don’t dwell on the more graphic side of my sexual exploits and fantasies in my LJ, but have a pretty decent record of them in the form of emails that I’ve sent to Joe. Do I have anything that I write down that I don’t share with anyone? Not really–if I’m not sharing, that means not even with the page. The stuff that I’ve written that other people haven’t read is only that way by circumstance. I always assume audience when I write, always think of someone beside myself. Writing and talking are the same to me–my mind processes them the same way. Everything I write is a conversation, or at least a part of one. I expect any reader to respond, even if I never hear the response, or even if the reader is myself a decade later. Ah, transtemporal communication with self–joy! I think thatmay be why I enjoy the blog format so much.


sleazemonkeyNovember 12, 2004 - 2:47 am

if theres anything so senstivie that i only wanbt to read it, i dont want it on the internet. period.

q+a was good last night, if a little sweaty. air conditioning broken!

still, i thought of you whilst girating on the dancefloor. back soon?

gypsyamberNovember 12, 2004 - 3:49 am

hmmm…sweaty dancing bodies…music…fun….
*sigh* not back til March, for what I’m sure will seem too short a stay. Definitely be up for much nights of dancing. Need to get my quota in before returning here. After that, not sure. Lots of things in the air…we’ll see which takes me flying with it *grin*

yeah, I keep a real paper journal (sporadically) and that is totally private. I would never want any stuff I wouldn’t feel comfortable sharing on the internet at all. That’s partly why I was hesitant about lj at first…but now I see how it’s more of a communication forum (a least with the people I know) than a journal (well, my image of a journal).

When I traveled with Em, she was diligent about keeping a journal with the idea that she would give it to Jacob to read when she got home. I really liked that concept (I think my mailing list works that way for me) but couldn’t imagine ever wanting to share my journal with anyone. Not even my life partner. They’d probably hear all I had bubbling around in my heart and mind anyway, it usually does spill out. But somehow having someone read my private words would make me feel completely naked. Weird huh, how our minds work.

gypsyamberNovember 12, 2004 - 3:53 am

Ahh…that would be an interesting use of private entries.

lirionNovember 12, 2004 - 4:24 am

Just remembered I sometimes use the private mode to save unfinished entries… So sort of like a draft… Then go backa nd edit it and make it public, or even sjut copy and apste the contents into a new entry and delete it…

whitmanschildNovember 12, 2004 - 5:22 am

Now THAT’S a good idea! How many times hav I been halfway through an entry and had to get up to go teach class, unable to leave it unfinished on the shared computer in the teacher’s room! I’ve usually just posted it witha “To be continued…” tag for a couple of hours or pasted it into a word processor and saved it for later, but that sounds even better for when I don’t want to junk up somebody else’s hard drive… Cool!

gypsyamberNovember 12, 2004 - 8:22 am

Aha. No _that_ sounds useful. I have wished a couple of times for a save feature…especially when i’m at work so can’t finish it but don’t want to save it on work pc either. That has made for some rushed entries.

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