Jottings – Feb 29 2012

Wednesday 29 February 2012
8:09 AM I love these pants on Zac! A great find at a second-hand store. I must go back soon.

The second photo is indicative of how little Zac stays still these days. He spends more time on the change table on his side than any other position; he is fighting to get to the light switch, the calendar, practice crawling, stand up or follow that toy over the edge, I am fighting to have him on his back long enough to change a nappy. I’m considering starting potty training, although he probably won’t stay still on a potty either!

Spunky pants

You had your three seconds to take the photo...

11:00 AM We have a ritual when getting up from naps: we must say hello to all the animals that watch over the cot and make the noises that they make. Thanks to Eddie Izzard, I know that giraffes cough, but I have no idea what elephants and hippos say!

Good morning Mr Lion!

12:12 PM Zac loves zucchini. I think it’s possibly his favourite food. At his cousin, Lani’s party on the weekend he was looking interested in all the food going round but only got desperate when he spotted the zucchini we had for him. Just now at lunch he started rejecting other foods (tomato, chilli con carne, squash)  but happily accepted more zucchini from the fridge.

Nothing like zucchini to bring the smiles

3:07 PM Zac found my filing drawer today. After emptying it, he tried to re-file everything!

I'll help you, Mummy!

8:00 PM Zac loves his Ambear!!!


Snuggle breather...

...aaand rolling

This is what Zac wants to do with the kitties

My Bear's got my back

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