New Blog…Almost

Off and on over the past few months, I have been looking for a blog template that suits what I want to do with my blog. I’ve experimented with a couple of designs but nothing has been quite right, or worth making the switch for. Last weekend, R asked if I’d googled wordpress templates. Uh no. I hadn’t even thought of that. I’d just been looking at the ones available within my blog admin pages. Silly me.

So last weekend I spent all my spare time (naptimes and evenings) googling templates and found a programme specifically designed for photographer blogs and galleries, and a designer whose templates I particularly liked. Brilliant. The templates are highly customisable and a vast improvement over the free ones that I’d been looking through.

I chose the template, waited till R had done his exam last week then asked for help with installing the programme and template. All good so far. R also set me up with my own domain name. Sweet.

I was so excited to get into it, set up my new-look blog and then email/FB an announcement of the new, improved, shiny Gypsycat Dreams blog. Sadly, the customising is a lot more involved process than I had anticipated, and during the process, the blog is not exactly in a fit state to be viewed – not to my perfectionist eyes, anyway. After spending all Friday evening and Master Z’s Saturday morning naptime trying to get the header edited, I had a massive day-long grump at the computer and faced reality that it was going to take a lot longer to get my shiny new blog. I could, sort of, justify spending a couple of evenings and couple of naptimes on it, to the exclusion of all else, if it meant that it would be all set up, ready for blogging by the end of it. However, if I am going to spend all that time and not necessarily have the shiny new set-up at the end, it becomes a lot harder to justify doing it *instead* of Things Which Must Be DoneTM – you know, the everyday stuff, the tax, the cleaning, the dishes, the cooking, the shopping, not to mention the photo editing and oh, actually putting the posts in my head onto my blog. So, R set things up so that my blog is back on a temporary template and the shiny new look is on a test site where I can tinker on it until it’s ready for viewing. Sadly, I think this means it will be a few weeks, possibly longer, before I get to squee about my gorgeous blog. R assures me that it’ll be worth it once I’ve surmounted this learning curve, but goodness! It is steep and challenging when my brain is already fried from the days events each day.

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