While I’m here….

hugs for friends.

audacious21: Your username so suits you. You are a bubbly, captivating person to be around. You are another person I don’t see or hear enough of. You always seem so confident and assured of yourself, yet totally approachable and warm.

axoltl_eyes: You are a fabulous, inspired and inspiring cook. As I try harder to eat all healthy foods, I find myself wishing for your instinct and creativity when it comes to cooking. I miss hearing about your shirt layering challenges and reading about your random Japan adventures.

barrington: When you’re off pounding the boards in all the theatre capitals of the world, can I say ‘I knew you when>>>’?! I love your wild hair, your passion for your craft. You’re a great dancer and generally fun to hang with.

blueladyreviews: Where do I start? You were the surprise package in my first year here. You make me laugh so hard and know what to say to dispel self-doubts. You’re my oknomiyaki/B&R partner-in-crime and Wakayama just hasn’t been the same since you left. You are showing me different ways of friendship and inspiring me to try harder with the little things. I loves ya, A.B!

bluescrubby: An intriguing person, you definitely fall into my ‘quirky’ category! You’re fun to party with and equally to chill with. I still don’t know you terribly well, but I enjoy what I know thus far.

barringtonFebruary 10, 2005 - 7:05 am

Thank you. 🙂

It just so happens that today was an excellent day to hear that. 😉

Thanks a bunch, and of course you can say you knew me should I become famous. We’ll have to catch up when you’re back in town…you are back in town sometime soon, yes?

axolotl_eyesFebruary 10, 2005 - 7:11 am

Some things you’ll appreciate

1. My layered shirts (long sleeve black thermal under grey t under yellow t with felt monkey on front) I wore today were only put together to match my yellow/grey/black striped toe socks (which are well on impossible to find in this always-wearing-shoes-so-socks-don’t-matter country).

2. I made stuffed red peppers and a salad of wilted chard and tofu last night more or less from vague notions and imagination which ended up quite impressing myself and the new boy in my life.

3. I still kind of wish I were still having wacky Japan adventures. Granted, I get to do things like see live theatre every week and live in a house with great people (one of whom is even more enamoured of monkeys than I am) and eat cheap pizza any time I want, but there is still a pang of ăȘ぀かしい thinking about riding bikes with Aaron up in the mountains, going on toga-clad adventures with you, or any number of ridiculously simple yet impossible-to-do-here sort of things.

gypsyamberFebruary 10, 2005 - 9:04 am

Re: Thank you. 🙂

Yes, I am back Mar 17th!!! Until Apr 8. and yes yes yes, would love to catch up. Are you are day working person, or night working person or neither? Am going to get an idea of which friends to have lunches/afternoon coffees with and which for dinners.

Glad the hugs came on a good day.

bluescrubbyFebruary 14, 2005 - 9:24 am

Well thank ya! I wouldn’t have thought myself to be quirky, but hey I can think of worse adjectives. 😉 Here’s a future cup of hot buttered rum raised to friendship! *clink* *glug*

gypsyamberFebruary 15, 2005 - 10:40 am

Re: Some things you’ll appreciate

Yes, I loved hearing what layers you’re wearing! Sounds like you’re about to start on some new adventures now….and liuve theatre every week simply is not to be knocked. Though yes, it was sad having a toga party without you’re wonderfully colourful and creative togas. You’re still the only person I know to wear an over-toga as well *grin*

gypsyamberFebruary 15, 2005 - 10:41 am

*chink* *glug* … mmm. I can think of worse things to toast a friendship with 😉

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