I have a japanese yahoo account now

so I can send and recieve e-mails in Japanese. Yay!!! This has been successfully tested from both the work pc and my laptop. I’m a very happy kitty today.

Also, once again illustrating how the universe brings things to you…10 years of study was not enough to interest me in purchasing an electronic dictionary, but wanting to keep in contact with people I’ve met this year – and understand the gossip and details of conversations around me – has lodged in me said interest. I started thinking seriously about it a few weeks ago and kept meaning to post to jetjapan to ask for info and advice. Then this week, when talking with whitmanschild he tells me that everyone he knows swears by Canon Wordtank. That night, nottatumor posts about the Canon Wordtank G50 which he just purchased online for half the retail price. After reveiewing the links he included, I ordered one last night! I so love it when things fall into place like that *huge grin*

Incidently, the links are

and the discount electronics site

Oh and whitmanschild? Your studies are obviously really paying off. I’m very impressed that you had no problems ordering on that website! I was totally guessing a lot of stuff, especially with the payment options. I _think_ I’m getting it COD! I hope!

whitmanschildFebruary 15, 2005 - 8:27 am

I’d say it’s more a tribute to the fact that I’ve ordered a ton of things online and could blindly intuit through things than any particular level of Japanese prowess. I had to stop and back up a couple of times during the registration process… But YAY for dictionary! Woo-hoo!

nottatumorFebruary 15, 2005 - 8:37 am

Amber, Whitmanschild, when do your dictionaries come? I think mine’ll arrive on Friday. I was unclear on how early I could request mine so I just put the earliest day I thought was reasonable so I wouldn’t waste time going back and forth with japanese decision-making. Oh, I got free shipping by the way. 😉

gypsyamberFebruary 15, 2005 - 9:59 am

eek. I got the free shipping….didn’t think I got a choice on day, just time.

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