Looking for suggestions

I want to create a photo journal on my pc where I can write the details and comments beside each photo I put in it. I think I’d also like to be able to ‘file’ the journal pages according to what topics they cover, ie. flash work, DofF experimentation, filter work etc. I’m wondering what program would be the best and easiest to use, and how I would set up such a journal. I have onenote, office, acdsee, photoshop 7, plus the standard programs. This is not meant to be an album, nor meant for show. Just for my own records and learning.

jokrackMarch 9, 2005 - 2:20 am

sorry, I don’t know anything about that kind of stuff. but thanks for giving me your old computer; it’s set up in the kitchen (er, only place I had space!) and whirring nicely. now if I could only fix the display problem… aw, doesn’t matter, I’ll eventually get myself a bouncy baby laptop anyway!

kitlingMarch 9, 2005 - 4:02 am

acdsee I used to use for windows – its free


okay – it used to be free… hmm… can probably find a demo version online somewhere – tucows used to have it…

kitlingMarch 9, 2005 - 4:07 am

I also just read your post properly…. doh

kitlingMarch 9, 2005 - 4:07 am

Although the newest versions should have more functionality
last comment i promise

gypsyamberMarch 9, 2005 - 4:38 am

The display problem is to do with the video card not being installed properly to start with. I’ve been on the phone for two hours with one friend trying to fix it, also had another friend come and look at it and give it up as lost cause after an hour and half. Hence the warning it came with ;-/
At any rate, it gives you a fantastic base from which to appreciate a new laptop from – I still get tickled pink to be able to see photos on my laptop and I’ve had it 6 months now!

gypsyamberMarch 9, 2005 - 4:39 am


jokrackMarch 9, 2005 - 4:51 am

you gave me the warning, fair and square, I’m not complaining! I wondered if it was perhaps a driver thing rather than a video card thing, since the error message said something like that, but it doesn’t matter what the problem is, because I wouldn’t know how to fix it in either case!

right now, it is happily letting me pour my thoughts into it, and building appreciation for when I get a laptop. 🙂

do you mind if I delete any programs/documents etc on it? I can recycle it when I upgrade, right?

gypsyamberMarch 9, 2005 - 1:33 pm

go for it!

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