From starofpersia

This intrigues me.

Pick ONE from each pair that you think describes me the best &
leave it in the comments. Then copy this and post it in your own
journal to see how your friends view you.

* dominant or submissive
* logical or intuitive
* social or loner
* kinky or vanilla
* cute or sophisticated
* kitten or puppy
* warm flannel sheets or sleek satin
* leader or follower
* quiet or talkative
* spontaneous or planned
* teddy bear or porcelain doll
* hiking or window shopping
* tequila or vodka
* top or bottom
* barefoot or shoes
* jeans or slacks
* tender or rough
* aware or dreamy
* nerd or geek

punk_rock_nerdApril 20, 2005 - 11:24 am

Hrmm… let’s go for it.

* dominant or submissive – I’m going to say… submissive
* logical or intuitive – intuitive
* social or loner – social
* kinky or vanilla – kinky
* cute or sophisticated – Shit. I get in trouble no matter what I say… cute.
* kitten or puppy – kitten
* warm flannel sheets or sleek satin – sleek satin
* leader or follower – leader
* quiet or talkative – talkative
* spontaneous or planned – spontaneous
* teddy bear or porcelain doll – teddy bear
* hiking or window shopping – hiking
* tequila or vodka – tequila. Hehehe.
* top or bottom – top
* barefoot or shoes – barefoot
* jeans or slacks – jeans
* tender or rough – tender
* aware or dreamy – aware
* nerd or geek – geek.

starofpersiaApril 20, 2005 - 12:22 pm

* dominant
* intuitive
* loner
* kinky
* sophisticated
* kitten
* sleek satin
* leader
* quiet
* spontaneous
* porcelain doll
* hiking
* vodka
* top
* shoes
* slacks
* tender
* dreamy
* nerd

whitmanschildApril 20, 2005 - 3:04 pm

Screw the rules. I make my own.

dominant while working/submissive in social situations
logical feeler/intuitive thinker
social reveler/loner at heart
kinky in the bedroom/vanilla yogurt
cute AND sophisticated
self-leader/follower in social situations
quiet unless you have a story
spontaneous sex/planned travel
teddy bear to sleep with/doll, but not porcelain
window shopping
tequila AND vodka body shots
top/bottom, depending on the other person
barefoot for comfort/shoes for utility
jeans for play/slacks for professionalism
aware of your body/dreamy elsewise
Ren-faire nerd/Jap-geek

nigelwApril 20, 2005 - 3:06 pm

dominant, intuitive, social, vanilla, cute, kitten, don’t know, leader, talkative, both, teddy bear, hiking, tequila (duh), top, shoes, jeans, tender, aware, neither.

gypsyamberApril 21, 2005 - 6:03 am

I love you, hun! Pin pon.

How’d you know I love vanilla yoghurt?!!?

freudianquipApril 21, 2005 - 7:38 am

Good work that man!

whitmanschildApril 22, 2005 - 12:44 pm

You’ve always got it in your fridge, so…

cridmeisterApril 22, 2005 - 1:38 pm

Final pair

Accepting of binaries that reconstruct reality in a way which undermines the richness of our lives and personalities, or not accepting of them…

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