Cooking with Toddlers

Cooking with a toddler really is just an exercise in embracing chaos. I tend to plunge in, enthusiastically and without much thought other than, “Do we have all the ingredients?” Sometimes it would be good to also ask myself, “Do we have enough of all the ingredients?”, but that’s a work in progress. Towards the end, as I survey the completely unrecognisable kitchen, I have a moment of wondering why on earth I thought this would be a good thing to do. Then I look at the smile on Monsieur’s face, the concentration as he licks the spoon and I realise that it is good that I jump right in, forgetting what the end result is because, really, when would I ever say to myself, “I want my kitchen to end up looking like this!”.

The smiles make it worthwhile

What happens to the topping when I turn my back

There are neat. individual mini-muffin holes under the mess

Just one part of the kitchen post-cooking with Monsieur

The end result, messy and yummy

anatFebruary 27, 2014 - 4:09 pm

so wonderful and the muffins looks like floras……
great pictures.

goos on you zak and amber.

SueApril 25, 2014 - 5:25 pm

I think they look very yummy!

gypsyamberApril 28, 2014 - 4:40 pm

Thank you! They are chocolate beetroot muffins – a favourite 🙂 If you think they look like Flora’s muffins, then I’m very happy!

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