A belated update….

During Golden Week (yes, almost a month ago) I went to my host family’s. I was feeling lazy, and toying with the idea of going during the week, or on the last weekend, but decided to go the first weekend of GW. Talk about perfect timing. I have three host siblings: two older brothers and an older sister. I’ve seen Waka (my sister) just twice since coming over because a month after I arrived, she left on a yr long working holiday visa to Australia. My eldest brother, Shigetaka, has been living in Malaysia for the last little while and the second brother, Taiyo, has been in America for the last three years.
When I last visited my family, in early March, I missed out on seeing Taiyo and meeting his family (wife, Yukari and daughter, Rye-chan) by just one week – they were arriving the following weekend and staying for a month while Taiyo got a new American visa for the next three years. There was no way I would be getting back within the month so I was very disappointed to miss them.
However, they were still there when I arrived in Golden Week! I caught Taiyo by two days – I arrived on Friday and he flew back to the US on Sunday. He was leaving a month ahead of his family as he has been relocated to LA and needed to find a house for them first.
At the same time, Shigetaka was back in Osaka for GW and came to stay on Saturday night – just the third time I’ve been there with all my family present, ever.

This is my family L-R: Yukari (back of head), Taiyo, Otoosan (host dad), Okaasan (host mum) and Waka.
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Better shot of Yukari and Taiyo
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No photos of Shige unfortunately…

Yukari is gorgeous – seems very down to earth and she’s not complete skin and bones like most Japanese women. And it was so good to see a couple here with the dad doting on the baby as much as the mum.

Yukari, Okaasan and Rye-chan
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Taiyo playing with Rye-chan
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Their daughter, Rye-chan is just five months old and was just learning to roll herself over onto her stomach. Her full name is Rye Techno Saito – unusual for a couple of reasons. Rye is not a Japanese name, nor Japanese spelling, although she does have a kanji (来 – not a typical kanji for a name). They chose it that way because Rai (the kanji’s reading) has no meaning in America. Middle names are also not a Japanese concept, but both Yukari and Taiyo wanted one so they could name her after techno music – their favourite kind. Her surname is the only traditional aspect – as the second son, Taiyo has taken Okaasan’s maiden name because there is no-one else left to carry her family name.
Needless to say, everyone dotes on Rye-chan and many hours were spent either playing with her or talking about her!

Waka and Rye-chan – just starting to smile
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Otoosan, Okaasan and Rye-chan
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She is gorgeous. She seems to like animal noises too…Taiyo when playing with her started woofing at her and she would shake her head slightly, blink and gurgle back at him. They had a full conversation going which had the rest of us in hysterics. She also responded when I purred at her. I also discovered that babies are fantastic to photograph because they have no concepts of cameras, so their expressions do not change one bit when you bring one out. It was a lot of fun being able to get good photos without being all sneaky and trying to catch her unawares!

An avid reader starting early
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Yum yum
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Worn out
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However I will be good and not bore you with the rest! (Many of which were taken for the beneift of Taiyo and Yukari – I certainly did not get carried away having a perfect model, no never 😉

My host family also had their dolls for boy’s festival out on display. These dolls have been handed down through generations, and are put on display every year for boy’s day, May 5th. The detail in them is extraordinary. It was the first time I’ve seen these particular dolls, having never been around for GW before.
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jokrackMay 24, 2005 - 6:13 am

that picture of the sleeping baby is absolutely beautiful!

I like the expression on her face when she’s looking at the book, too.

gypsyamberMay 24, 2005 - 6:27 am

She is the sweetest thing!

_nightflower_May 26, 2005 - 12:02 am

Great pix! You rock!

gypsyamberMay 26, 2005 - 12:11 pm


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