Food woes

Last week I was craving curry, Japanese style. It’s been months since I ate some, and even longer since I made some. So yesterday I very industriously made a big pot and froze enough single servings for this week’s lunches, and some of next week’s. However, now I am still feeling sick from lunch, and it’s been several hours since I ate that curry. Understandably, I’ve gone off my craving for Japanese curry. The problem now being that I now have a freezer full of it. I don’t want to throw it out – that’s a good part of this week’s food budget, plus I don’t like to waste food. But I don’t want to eat it either 🙁 Now I hav to work out what I’m going to do with it, and what I’m going to do for lunches for the rest of the week.

Food and I have just not been getting along well this year. Even when I do find things I want to eat, I tire of them really quickly – which is very unlike me. The ability to eat the same thing for a week at a time is a main point in my food budgeting – much cheaper to make things in bulk than in single servings, plus I only like to cook once or twice a week. Losing this ability, and gaining a disenchantment with Japanese food, and trying to be more diligent in avoiding dairy, and wanting to eat healthier, and having foods occasionally make me feel physically sick for hours, have all served to make food a major pain in my arse.

I really, really, REALLY want to go back to being an unfussy eater. It was so much easier.

Failing that, if anyone wants to send me a Coles or Safeway…or, heck, Pediemontes, it would be hugely appreciated!!!

NB. I’m pretty sure it’s not the curry per se. I’ve had this reaction a number of times in the last couple of months to various foods, both homemade and bought. Last night it was fresh pineapple that made me feel
ick. No, it’s just my stomach being silly – saying “I want this, I want this, I want this…ugh, what did you give me this for?”

daisynerdJune 20, 2005 - 12:06 pm

Ahh Hon, that sounds so familiar. I finally tracked it down to chilli, onion, dairy and MSG. So I avoid all of those things (sad as it is) but then sometimes something random sets me off anyway. So frustrating. I cut everything back to basically rice and fresh green vegetables for a while and gave my body a break and it’s behaved a bit better since. And Chinese herbs have also helped me.

I have a suggestion about the variety thing. If you are making things in bulk and freezing them they should last for much longer than I week I think so if you make a few things in bulk and then rotate them would that work? rather than the same thing every day. It would initially be a big investment but then each week when you cook just make something different and eventually you would have a decent choice.

Good Luck, it sucks so much when food and your body have random fights because food is such a joy when there are no rumbly painful consequences.

gypsyamberJune 20, 2005 - 1:26 pm

I’ve only been like this since getting sick in Vietnam, so I think that either there’s still a little bit of bugginess hovering, or it just made my stomach super sensitive. But shall try and work out things which could be setting me off.

The problem with getting variety happening is that I have a very small freezer, to go with the very small fridge (it’s under breast height) and currently it is home to different types of bread I ordered online, and now 6 containers of curry. Still, if I made less of everything, I could get some variety happening. The main problem is I go off the food to the extent of not wanting to look at it, and taking breaks of days, even weeks, doesn’t seem to help.

What Chinese herbs do you use? Maybe I should try the brown rice and green vegies thing…..

Yeah, I agree with the suckage. I love food and love to enjoy it.

daisynerdJune 20, 2005 - 4:26 pm

Hmmmm breast height……. breasts….. no, the topic is food. Small freezer is a bummer. I found a nice chinese herbalist in melbourne (which is just so handy now) and he made me a miraculous potion, I have no idea whatsoever what is in it, but it tastes like mud and makes me feel better. Good luck, hopefully it is temporary 🙂

leafsfan_28June 20, 2005 - 11:21 pm

It sucks to hear that you’re having the queezies. I hate when that happens too. Hang in there dear. On a side note I’m sure Ches, when he gets back, will be more than willing to help you eat the frozen stuff. Huggs to you!

starofpersiaJune 21, 2005 - 1:02 am

You have a food budget? I swear that’s most of my money goes just because my appetite is so unpredictable, and summer makes it much worse. 🙁

dracoargentumJune 22, 2005 - 3:22 am

Vast quantities of sympathy have been packaged up and sent to Japan.

I know in far too much detail how tedious a fussy tummy can be. But here is some cause for hope from my experience: it gets better.

For a long time after i was ill, i had an extremely limited diet – no fat, no processed food, no refined sugar. It wasn’t that i was still ill, it was that the flora in my gut (quoting from a friend who is a vet, and has a few clues) had changed, and lacked the ability to deal with these things.

So if this is an after effect of illness here’s my advice – and i don’t know if its even possible to do where you are or if it will help your tummy, so apologies if it is not appropriate. This is just what i had to do.

– don’t eat processed food
– leave out the sauces
– keep it super low in fat
– don’t eat too much bread
– coconut and pork are evil
– rice and vegies are good

Keep it really boring for a few weeks/months whatever you need, then gradually reintroduce “normal food”. Do not suddenly reintroduce a large quantity of something you haven’t had for a long time, because i guarantee you will react badly.

Its horrible and boring, but it might give your tummy time to recover.


kitlingJune 23, 2005 - 2:25 am

I got put on a really strict diet once, to see if allergies maybe responsible for the arthritis.

No fats/oils
No grains (included wheat/corn/rice/etc)
no meat (easy)
No sugar/salt etc
no dairy

left me with basically steamed vegs with no sauces once i tookd out my fussiness as well. Plus beans/lentils etc

needless to say – i gave it up in about 3 days.

That said – the rice, vegs and protein is a good suggestion. Simple sauces, garlic is always good, chilli isn’t. If your tummy is upset easily, ginger is the best. Keep it simple. See if you have friends who would like to trade your yummy home made curry for something else.

I’d also suggest avoiding any meat with the exception being fish. Other good protein sources include beans, tofu, lentils, nuts, eggs.

Reduce all fats and oils. If cooking with oil (use a measuring spoon).

kitlingJune 23, 2005 - 2:27 am

Of course only wanting to cook a few times a week makes this difficult, because vegs are best fresh. But then steamed or stir fried vegs are not that time consuming.

gypsyamberJune 28, 2005 - 7:16 am

Thanks for this.

Why is coconut bad? *sad face* coconut milk is used in thai curries and I’ve been getting coconut gelato occasionally to satisy cravings for ice cream.

Okay, going the rice and vegies, or salads and rice. Just as well I love plain steamed vegies 🙂

gypsyamberJune 28, 2005 - 7:17 am

Plus I can steam a whole lot of vegies and store in the fridge – they’re good for a couple of days at least and cold vegies work well in this heat.

No grains would be really hard.

gypsyamberJuly 5, 2005 - 1:02 am

Well, I have an overall weekly budget (which I’m bad at keeping to, mind you. It works best when I don’t leave the house!!!) and food does take up most of it.

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