I could’ve slept in

and done my dishes, and hung my washing out. If someone had’ve told me that school wasn’t starting til second period today. Instead, I arrived before all the teachers, bar the kouchou and kyoto senseis. Humph. Kyoto sensei told me to please wait. Hmph hmph. This is an even better start than the occasional times when I arrive to find someone else using my desk and being told “just wait a minute”.

At least I’ve only classes in the morning, meaning I get out of here fifth period – have to stick around for lunch to help a student with her speech for the contest in two weeks time.

The other up side of today is that I get to visit my fave school this afternoon, again to help students for the same speech contest.

And it is the start of a long weekend which holds swing dancing, live jazz and catching up with Blair’s crew (minus Blair unfortunately – silly peeps stuck in America!)

Edit: Tomo just arrived and asked what time I got to school and apologised for forgetting to tell me last night about the late start. All good now. sometimes all I want is the recognition that I’m not meant to be psychic.

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