Dream the impossible?

The goal was: to partition both my computer and harddrive, reinstall Windows and then spend today reinstalling all other programs I want.

The estimated time was: about three to four hours.

The payment was: five bottles of imported beer, bottle of wine and thai curry for dinner. Luckily I even splurged on strawberries, even luckier Mike loves strawberries.

The reality was: 12 hours of work. One succesfully partitioned external harddrive. One successfully partitioned Custard…in Japanese OS. A computer now masquerading as Custard, but I know it’s not. One recovery disk from Toshiba (containing my Windows XP Professional and other programs) not working. One discovery that Toshiba have some sort of funked out agreement with Microsoft whereby they feel no need to supply the discs for Windows, Works, Onenote or anything else which came with the computer. One discovery that even if the recovery disk did work, it reinstalls in some unforeseen manner which makes partitioning impossible. One request to another friend to bring his english windows disc down next weekend. Therefore one week of not wanting to install any of my normal programs as it is all going to have to be wiped and redone next week anyway. Yet one more computer savvy person confirming that Custard does indeed have some wierd problems. The suspicion that more than five imported beers are called for, no matter what Mike says!

Maybe I should have gone with Apple instead. A big reason for choosing PC was that more friends know PC and therefore could help me. But if I manage to get a PC so wierd that those friends can’t help me, then I might as well just have gotten an Apple.

Please, please send Custard happy working, behaving vibes that by the end of next weekend I can have a problem free computer. Or at least more problem free than she currently is.

EDIT: Now she is baulking at installing some programs…like the Photoshop which I need on her in order to make Dax a cd before I leave for holidays. Don’t think the Japanese OS is working well with my programs 🙁 It’s not logical, but then none of the problems Custard has are.

Ah well, at least next weekend the fiddling around trying to fix her – or more to the point, sitting around watching others try and fix her – will be done in good company and with a Star Wars marathon for entertainment.

psuedonym777December 4, 2005 - 7:00 am

*posts you some aura of Fergie* It works on the machines at work. I just hope it translates well into Japanese. :oP

tracybelleDecember 4, 2005 - 8:22 am

I am sending good vibes and all my best wishes – it supremely SUCKS when computers decide not to behave, and even worse when you are overseas without your usual support network of computer savvy people to call on. I too have a Toshiba and now am making a mental note to self to never partion or reformat or reinstall anything! Actually, I think my brother did something like that for me at the beginning of the year with my baby – but I am so computer stupid that as long as I can play with the internet and word I don’t think I’d even know – but I do vaguely remember a lot of swearing and other such noises coming from his room at the time – also it took an inordinately long time – weeks actually. Look at it this way – you can use this week to learn all the Japanese characters for save, open, close, edit and other such crazy vocab you have no other need to learn! I really feel for you though and know your frustration – maybe next week you can bribe Mike with some mulled wine?

gypsyamberDecember 4, 2005 - 10:08 am

See, I do actually know those kanji from using the machines at work, and my japanese email account!

So far, Photoshop is not going back on happily so it looks like being a non-photo week. If it wanted to freak me out more, it got it in one!

But if I have my normal Custard back by the end of next weekend, even without partitions, just a standard english os and my programs all restored, then I will be happy. Really want to have a working Custard for my trip home. I thought I was going to be getting her working better and more efficietnly, now I just want her working in any way!

Thank heaven internet was easily done. At least I have something to do on her!

kitlingDecember 4, 2005 - 11:44 pm

I’ve got a toshi and haven’t had any problems with it. I guess all I can offer here is to help you with it if still playing up when get here

kitlingDecember 4, 2005 - 11:44 pm

PS – the idea of getting an Apple to go with Custard makes me laugh in a good way 🙂

gypsyamberDecember 5, 2005 - 3:08 am

The Apple would be to replace Custard, but yes, there’s a definite theme happening!

Am reconciling with the fact that I may just have to drop her off somewhere for help as I get off the plane. But I have hopes for next weekend workign stuff out on her. Of course the main stress of it is being unable to download and work with photos. Vital considering I’m going to Phillip Island that weekend and WILL fill up my memory cards – 2 GB just doesn’t go far when using RAW *grin*

That said, I’m taking film camera as well – for precisely this reason! Even if I can’t download photos, I can always buy more film. And in big towns at least, most photo places put digital images onto cds – those places are my friends when travellin 😉

kitlingDecember 6, 2005 - 12:39 am

One note. Toshi recovery disks are basically designed to wipe and then re ghost the drive. So they will delete partitions. As they are also designed to work the the availible space.

As for downloading stuff. You can dump stuff on our file server if needed, I even scored a free external dvd burner earlier this week

gypsyamberDecember 6, 2005 - 2:24 am

As they are also designed to work the the availible space.


Can I dump it from any computer? It’s more the havig ability to download onto anything really to clear card quickly for more photos. Am already looking into non-laptop options for when i travel next year, but not ready to buy anything until just before leaving.

kitlingDecember 6, 2005 - 3:25 am

Okay – recovery disks are designed to work with the specific computer – they have the software, specific drivers for that model etc. If you have a 40gig drive, they’ll expect to format a 40gig drive, so wil blow away any partitioning etc you have done.

To access our fileserver I believe you’ll need to be inside our network (so in our house). But you can take the opportunity to back stuff up while you are here (all the photos etc you had from August are still there)

I could set you up space on a server somewhere – like vurt – you could upload/store files – you’d have to deal with network speeds but shrug.

If you want to travel, I see no point in buying anything but a laptop. As for buying an apple – as you say, you don’t think you are overly computer literate, and if you are getting comfortable with windows are you sure you want to learn a whole new OS?

gypsyamberDecember 8, 2005 - 11:41 am

Ah, thanks for explaining that. I am having a crash course and now know some things to check before buying!

Not actually seriously considering an apple at this stage. I was hoping Custard would last for the next 5 years. Probably wishful thinking, but we’ll see.

No, I’m thinking more along the lines of an iRiver HDD mp3 player thingy or a finepix photoviewer. Something pocket sized with nice lot of memory (can get up to 40gb now) for dumping photos on when no handy camera shops nearby to make cds for me. Don’t plan on taking a laptop travelling with me. I will be loaded up enough with camera gear without having laptop as well. Plus the cost – custard is not reall nice travel=size…at least not backpacking travel size.

Space on a server would be cool though…and guidelines on how to use it! So many things to learn. When did I get dragged into this world?? Oh yeah, when someone first handed me a digital SLR camera!

Thanks for all your comments and explanations though. Muchly appreciated and I feel like I’m learning stuff – like that windows can work in it’s own partition and programs can be in another and it all still happens. Clever!

kitlingDecember 8, 2005 - 11:40 pm

You are cleverer than I am with digital camera/mp3 tech 🙂

As for server space, you actually already have a vurt account. This also gives you vurt web-space if you know how to use it, want to make your own webpage 🙂 You also can store stuff there. I think rather than explain how to access it here, I might just show you in a couple of weeks – probably easier.

kitlingDecember 8, 2005 - 11:40 pm

But to start with server space – you’ll want a copy of PuTTY and a good FTP program 🙂

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