activities and stuff

*gypsycat_dreams has a new project….those who say I need to post more work should like this!

*I had my most dreaded class, 2-3, this morning. It is no longer my most dreaded class due to the reassuring presence of our bodyguard!!! Yes, this is a class of 14yr olds. Yes, our judo master bodyguard will always be present for English in class 2-3.

*belly dancing on Thursday nights too now. A fair hike into the mountains, but the classes are more in-depth and thus worth it.

*today has rained non-stop. Somehow swing dance had so much less appeal than staying home, making spaghetti marinara and staying warm and dry. There was no competition once I realised this meant I would also be able to catch a certain St Kildaite at home tonight. *grin*

*this is the second last chance I have to collect Zoo anecdotes. My eyes and ears are open and my mind is taking notes 😉

*having two allies at The Zoo makes it so much more bearable

*I’m happy

kunoichi_chanFebruary 1, 2006 - 1:19 pm

…a bodyguard?

You sound like you’re teaching in a school in America!!

gypsyamberFebruary 1, 2006 - 2:51 pm

Actually, an American LJ friend of a friend has read my Zoo entries and commented that in 15 years of teaching at inner city schools, they have never come across some of the crap I deal with.

But, still no guns and no metal detectors required yet.

kunoichi_chanFebruary 2, 2006 - 6:40 am

Thank goodness for the lack of guns, then!!

But, still …

lunachyldFebruary 6, 2006 - 8:15 am

i got to look at some of ur photos, allthough not in great detail yet *shakes fist at limited net time* they’re very beautiful – the artistic inspiring kind of beauty, i hope i have a chance soon to see more of them 🙂

belly dancing is oh so much fun *nods*

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