white wolf abounds

I find it quite amusing that miles away from all associations with vampire and werewolf, I find myself in a bar, talking white wolf (or listening as it were) with three Canadians.
Is it a case of the “never notice until you know it” phenomenon – you know, like when you buy a car you’d never heard of before the dealer introduced it to you, then suddenly you see them everywhere on the roads. Or is it a conspiracy; we will suck you in, just give us time?!
For now, just notching it up to yet another bizarre day in lala land.

nigelwJuly 17, 2004 - 5:46 pm

It’s a conspiracy. Fortunately, it’s a conspiracy that doesn’t kill you when you get bored of it and start taking the piss. 🙂

gypsyamberJuly 18, 2004 - 12:46 am

So a friendly conspiracy then?!

kitlingJuly 19, 2004 - 1:23 am

bad futon
no biscuit

nigelwJuly 21, 2004 - 12:39 am

Yeah. friendly and self-deprecating. Hey, if everybody else is going to take the piss, you may as well join in. 🙂

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