Tech toys…..

Is getting an i-pod just a silly, decadent thing to do when I originally only wanted a small MP3 player for spinning poi? Am I getting caught up in all the hype “it can do this, and this, and this, and then make you breakfast in bed”? Or could it actually be a sensible choice, grounded in good reason – I could take all my music everywhere with me (I do miss my collection back home) and I could store all Japanese addresses in Japanese – a novel concept my PDA has not the capability for.
My problem is that I can justify pretty much any purchasing choice I make – admittedly the justifications can get lame, “Just ‘cos” doesn’t cut it all the time!. So I’m not sure if I’m simply justifying why I’m even considering the expense of an i-pod or if they are valid reasons which will continue to stand after I leave Japan.
Anyone have any comments/thoughts/pointers about i-pods, or alternative MP3 players?

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