
Also known as focusing on what is good cos my head hurts and woozes and my back is sore and my knee is too, but overall I enjoy being happy and feel pretty happy with my day.

I’m enjoying the wine shop a lot more now that I know more about the running of things and have learnt more things to do. Gone are the quiet days of surfing the net and serving customers. Now I can pretty much keep myself busy doing actual work for the entire shift. And it’s a damn good feeling.

My boss has been slowly teaching me more about JeLPoS – the Point of Sales system/database we use. Now I can receive an order, check it all off and immediately go into the system, process it *and* make any adjustments to price or vintage as necessary. It seems rather lame now, come to think of it, and not really something to be excited by, but I’m always excited to measure my progress in a new job and it makes me very happy to learn new skills; and this is a skill which has been coming together piece by piece.

Today I have posted orders, printed labels, labeled wine, entered four invoices into the system which have just been sitting on the bench waiting for someone to do them, sold lots of wine, advised nearly everyone who walked into the shop, handled a very grouchy, surly delivery man, emailed customers, sorted through all the stock out the back and labeled boxes as necessary (open, labeled or not, how many bottles inside etc) and continued work on the Store Tips and Procedures document that I am creating so as to make learning all this much easier on incoming staff.

I feel very accomplished today! And I know it seems silly, and probably trivial to so many on my f’list who have much more complicated jobs, but today just shows me how much I’ve learnt in the past two months. I’m reaching that comfy stage where I’m still learning and it’s still new and fresh and exciting but I also no longer feel like a useless lump of wood needing to ask how to do every single little thing. I always enjoy this stage of a job 🙂

So what did you do today? I bet that no matter what your job, if you look back and list every single thing, you too will be amazed and impressed by all that you accomplished today 😉

Now, all fingers and toes are crossed that I get one of the permanent positions I just applied for at Uni. Pretty pretty please Universe. I’m enjoying both my jobs, but I really would love to have a permanent job with all those nice things like sick leave and super and annual leave and set hours for more than three months.

ingysledgeAugust 30, 2007 - 6:14 am

It is really good when you accomplish something, even when it seems fairly mundane. Learning new things is good. Glad you’r enjoying your job – it makes it so much nicer.

fluffworldAugust 30, 2007 - 10:20 am

I like it when the “argh new” settles into “still learning, but useful, dammit” stage – I feel your pain on the temping.
But wine tasting? Awesome.

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