Baby Diary – All booked

We are booked in for 9:30am Monday morning.

I’m pretty excited! And, in the way that things seem to fall into place when we’re on the right track, we found out that it has only been in the last 3-4 weeks that bubs have been allowed in recovery with their mums. Something which is important to me and may have persuaded me to try for a natural birth if it was automatically going to be denied with a caesarean.

There is a certain irony in the fact that the one thing I have always known about birth is that it can’t be scheduled; you can’t pop it in your diary and make plans around it. Now here we are with a day and time! Turns out even my most long-held understanding of birth is no longer relevant!

Zac and Rafe will be with me in surgery and recovery, both will be rooming in with me on the ward (though Rafe on a trundle bed as I will be in a single bed). If all is going well after two nights in hospital, and there are rooms available, we still have the option to go the fancy hotel for the rest of my “hospital” stay. We expect that I will be coming home either Friday or Saturday.

We’re not going to have any visitors apart from grandparents for the first week. After that, we’ll see how we’re travelling and let people know when we’re ready to share Zac! One suggestion I’ve heard is to have visiting times in the way that hospital does, which seems like a smart idea. But first we want to get an idea of how much sleeping and feeding Zac needs before working out when will be the best time to have visitors.

Now for a weekend of relaxing 🙂

HobbesApril 9, 2011 - 9:25 am

I finshed making my secound baby hat last night, your timing is excellent!

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