Mental note

*pen poised above mental notepad*

Riding my bike around listening to MP3 player is not, I repeat, NOT the same as driving around with my stereo on. People can, and do, hear you whilst singing. Please keep this in mind when we next go out.

*asterisk, asterisk, asterisk. Puts pen and notepad away*

mordwenNovember 9, 2004 - 1:15 pm

*puts naughty editor hat on*

I imagined you drawing three pictures of the cartoon character Asterix then… the * you’re looking for is an asterisk.

And the singing out loud thing entirely despends on how well you sing, sweetheart…

gypsyamberNovember 9, 2004 - 2:08 pm

Thank-you. So what is it that an aditor’s hat does to make it naughty?!?

I sing abysmally. My own mother banned me from singing in the house. This is not a pain I wish to inflict on innocent bystanders 😉

axolotl_eyesNovember 9, 2004 - 4:16 pm

Did I ever tell you of the time when I was riding to the supermarket at about 10pm belting out Sex Bomb by Tom Jones and all of the sudden I hear ‘Nikku-sensei! You are good singaa!’ from the bad kids hanging out under the bridge? It was fantastic, in that terribly embarrassing sort of way.

kitlingNovember 11, 2004 - 2:30 am

In that i’m crap at keeping address books

its time to repost your snail mail address 🙂

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