Jottings – Feb 18-24 2012

Saturday 18 February 2012
12:11 PM Zac: you have a cold today. It started yesterday and got worse last night. You look so sad and stuffed up. You’re still pretty active, but giggles are very hard to come by and you keep squeezing your eyes shut, which makes me think that your head is hurting. My poor boy. I so wish I could make it better. Or at least snuggle you lots; unfortunately if you’re up with me, your body is saying “Must. Do. Stuff.” and you keep going, with regular stops to lie on the floor (very unlike you)

Monday 20 February 2012
6:54 PM Zac, so many ways, on so many things, so many times every day you bump your head.

Tuesday 21 February 2012
4:08 PM It is virtually impossible to talk to anyone dealing with deceased estates. E*Trade was a nightmare as their deceased estates department had *no* customer facing staff. ANZ were almost as frustrating last year but they may be able to beat E*Trade for unattainable help. Two phone numbers, two cold transfers and an answering machine later, I have been unable to speak with anyone. ….and that’s my 30min stint for today. Time to take Zac outside for some fresh air and grass nomming. Will try again when I next remember that I need to track down this info.

7:00 PM Some days I feel like my body is permanently broken post-pregnancy. I was prepared for the talked-about stuff, the saggy breasts, floppy tummy, stretch marks and I was okay with that, mostly. But the stuff no-one talks about, that I wasn’t prepared for. I’m so over my arm brace and elbow brace, missing Pilates for several weeks leads to a recurrence of pelvic pain and now my ankle and feet are hurting when I run – where did *that* come from???
I know that I am moving forward physically but some days the backwards steps take me by surprise with a good wallop. These days I can hardly believe that I will go through it all again. I don’t want to be pregnant again but I want a sibling for Zac; and time for me to get off the pity wagon because I know that we’re incredibly blessed and lucky to be able to have this choice.

Wednesday 22 February 2012
9:09 AM It is a glorious day today, blue skies, warm sunshine, a day that lifts the spirits. Suddenly  everything is okay again. Could also be something to do with Zac only waking once, ONCE, during the night AND sleeping til 6:40ish. Heaven! (I did wake a couple of times and check his breathing though – it was just such a change!)

Morning Walk

9:12 AM It is starting to be a game: what will we find outside the cat flap today! Zac lives putting things through the cat flap. So far we’ve encountered toys, balls, a bottle (honest Mummy, I finished all my milk see, not even a bottle left!). This morning’s efforts appear to be all the doorstops from the house. This made me laugh coming home.

Doorstops far away from their homes

By the end of the day, the collection had grown….

A growing collection


Friday 24 February 2012
9:42 PM Zac is getting better at pulling himself up and twice today he stood up whilst only holding onto me with one hand. He also discovered the inclined concrete and two steps at Dad’s shop. He kept going back to them and practising crawling up and down the incline and steps.


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