Clever kitty

I just made myself a new icon! Thankyou whitmanschild for teaching me how to. Pic is out of date now (like my hair would stay same colour for a whole year!) but I like it.

Hmm… limit of three, or I can get a paid account…

starofpersiaDecember 1, 2004 - 6:24 am

Sweet icon! Your hair looks awesome there!

gypsyamberDecember 1, 2004 - 6:26 am

Thanks. That was when I finally gave up and went to Jap hairdresser after three months of blonde/brown/ick colour misery -caused all sorts of confusions wanting the red streak but they eventually got it right. Back to red now cos mean principal has been promoted and therefore not around to nag me about having inappropriate hair.

tombleDecember 1, 2004 - 6:49 am

Well, if you want more images without paying for them, make some animated .gifs that roll over different images, and set long delays so they aren’t too flashy and annoying. I have some good software for that if you are interested.

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