New Words!

Time for some upbeat stuff. Master Z has added more words to his vocabulary, in particular “boop”. and the new phrase “up boop”, meaning “Pick me up, sit me on your lap and read me a book”. Wow, children sure know how to condense a concept into the bare minimum! 

He also says “soos” and “cheez”, which has now surpassed zucchini as his favourite food. His tendency for words to multi-task continues.


soos = shoes, socks, clothes in general

cheez – cheese, food

up (which started as ut) = up, down, out, in. Basically the opposite of where he is situated at the time 

up peez = up/down/out/in please, upsy (from upsy daisy)

aro = hello, goodbye

tata = goodbye (maybe…still new and still trying to hear what he is saying)

boop/boof = book, bath. This is very new so not sure yet if book and bath will meld (it seems likely) or if he will keep them separate.

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