Safe home

Well here I am, been to the dr, gotten tests and now totally collapsed. Mum said she thinks there’s messages on the phone for me all ready. Sorry, I haven’t even looked. Just want to totally veg out and rest this weekend. Will look at the mobile next week, but not actually sure if I’ll be up for visitors. I think I was just running on adrenaline and now that I’ve reached somewhere safe, somewhere where I don’t have to worry about doing this, that and the other, my body has just given out on me. So, hard as this is (and believe me it’s hard for me), I think it’s best to pretend I’m not here. :-/ I really need to rest completely at the moment and I just know I wouldn’t if having people around who I want to talk with and hang out with.
I’ve had tests done – also Mum brought up something which I hadn’t even thought of when she asked if I saw them take the iv and the blood test needle from a sterile packet/autoclav. I didn’t, so am having blood tests done as well. Very good that I’ll be back in three months time because that will cover the HIV three month window nicely.
The bright side of everything is that I got to fly Singapore Airlines (they’re usually in the too expensive category for me) and they are an awesome airline to fly with. Individual media systems for every seat, reams of movies, tv programs, documentaries and games to keep me occupied during the flight. This was especially appreciated because I very rarely sleep on planes, so don’t like overnight flights because they turn off the tv and the lights. I can read, but am always aware of people around and not wanting to keep those who can sleep awake. So last night was heaven. I just watched movies and tv the entire way. Yay for singapore airlines!

etsbaJanuary 7, 2005 - 11:26 am

I’m glad your all safe, secure & resting.

As much as I’d adore dropping by to see you next week I will understand completely if you cannot deal with visitors. Shit, I’ve been an anti-social one lately too and I haven’t been through what you have! We’ll msg you next week to see how you are.

Rest up, take care and know that we all love you

cridmeisterJanuary 7, 2005 - 4:44 pm

Are you okay?


sweetie, are you okay? What’s happened? Did I miss one of your updates or something?

Whatever’s up, I’m thinking about you and sending general strokings and hugs and cups of fruit tea and non-fish flavoured food. Hope you feel better soon hon…

Love and hugs,



whitmanschildJanuary 7, 2005 - 10:12 pm

Sweetheart, please rest well. You deserve it. I’ll see you back in the land of short, slanty-eyed folk in a couple of days.

By the way, Shanta’s clippers got mailed today and I have both of your bags ready to come back with me as well. See you soon. *hugs*

leafsfan_28January 7, 2005 - 11:23 pm

Hope you get well soon

Hey Ambs,
I’m with Ceri here, what happened, are you ok? You know that we’re all concerned about you here.

tombleJanuary 7, 2005 - 11:47 pm

Get rest aplenty, be well! There’s an open invite for dinner here if you have the time and feel up to it.

gypsyamberJanuary 16, 2005 - 2:05 am

Re: Are you okay?

No, you didn’t miss an update – haven’t really written about this yet. I got sick in Vietnam, was rushed to hospital with suspected appendicitis, was cleared for that but kept in overnight then released but still unable to stomach food or water. Once the project finished I went back to Saigon and bought a new ticket back to Japan, where the dr told me I didn’t need any tests done. So I took up Mum’s offer of a ticket home, and went to family dr and a natropath and generally luxurated in a it of tlc and home comfort. That’s it in a nutshell.
Am back in japan now, on the mend. Though still very limited in what i can eat, and no signs of appetite returning. this is great for the waistline, crappy for the energy levels!
Thank-you for the thoughts, especially the non-fishy ones (the thought of seafood, or alcohol just turns my stomach right now)
hugs n love

gypsyamberJanuary 16, 2005 - 2:06 am

Shanta sends thanks for the clippers. She couldn’t email you for some reason.

gypsyamberJanuary 16, 2005 - 2:07 am

The invite was muchly appreciated – can I take a raincheck until march?!

gypsyamberJanuary 16, 2005 - 2:09 am

Re: Hope you get well soon

Heya Stu
First up CONGRATULATIONS!!! So happy for you.

Just answered Ceri’s comment so check it out 😉 Still quite weak and tired and tender, but improving now. Apart from getting sick, and having issues with the projects organisers, I had a great time and loved Vietnam!

tombleJanuary 16, 2005 - 9:15 pm

Sure, just let me know when you’re about and I’ll work some kitchen magic 🙂

gypsyamberJanuary 17, 2005 - 12:21 am

Ooh goody!

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