This does appeal to me

bonesinger has been going through her friends list, writing thoughts on each friend. I like this idea very much. Too often, we never really tell people what it is we love about them, or admire about them. It is nice to hear what and why people like us, and it is equally nice to sit down occasionally and focus on one person and think about the positives we see in them. I imagine this will be an ongoing project and I shall go alphabetically so I can keep track 😉

First up, abiuro: I admire your honesty and openess; your willingness to share your experiences and lessons learnt; your strength and determination to follow your dreams despite all that life can throw up at you; your courage in standing forth and telling others exactly why it is you’re “looking so healthy” and “have lost so much weight”. The world needs more people like you to break down stigmas. I love your eyebrows! The artistry of them could keep my fascinated for hours. I will always be so thankful to you for introducing me to Ursula. You are an incredible woman.
btw, are you in melbourne now?

whitmanschildJanuary 17, 2005 - 3:18 am

Excellent. I get to be like…DEAD LAST…

[/histrionic whining]


orethuleJanuary 17, 2005 - 10:38 pm

precious things…

i found a ring in the car. raised blue stone surrounded by clear. costume jewellery or inherited? where would you like it sent?

gypsyamberJanuary 17, 2005 - 11:24 pm

Re: precious things…

If you don’t mind, just keep it until I see you in March.
btw, did you get my e-mail from a few months ago regarding lc? Just wondering cos I haven’t heard anything…. which email is best to use for you now?

gypsyamberJanuary 17, 2005 - 11:25 pm


You picked the nick, sweetie!

AnonymousJanuary 18, 2005 - 3:42 pm

Re: precious things…

I didn’t get the email. The vurt account has been overflowing for several months. Try my ljnick at hotmail.

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