Cos it’s been soooooooo long since I was last on a plane

I looked into tickets for my upcoming official trip home 🙂 Actually, I went to thank Yoshida-san for being so awesome in getting me home quickly, and to give him おみやげ – coopers ale (cos everyone I know drinks it, so it’s gotta be good, right!). Blow me down if he can’t name each state’s beer!!! And coopers is one of his favourite. (he’s been to Australia twice and loves it) Well done me! Anyway, he asked if I wanted prices for my next trip so I thought why not. Cheapest is 62 000 yen, not too bad…one with Vietnam Airlines (which he guessed I may not want to fly – not so, still really want to go back and still disappointed my enjoyment of the country got cut short) and one with Cathay Pacific. The CP flight has to be booked and paid in full by next Monday and has the decidedly shorter stopover. Glad he gave me the prices. Today I should find out how much 年休 I have left and maybe, just maybe even book the flight this week. Whooot! Now that’s the pick-me-up I’ve been needing 🙂
Also found out the Singapore airlines price was pretty much the same as the price I got on less than 24 hrs notice, which is kinda nice to know. Got a reminder of how much cheaper it is to book flights here than home when kitling told me how much her quick ticket to China cost. Phew. So am working out my travel arrangements once I finish up here and trying to work out ways to get all my tickets here, or at least avoid purchasing tickets in oz.
Only a month and a half until I’m home (again). So, so, so can’t wait. Like I suspected, coming back after being in oz was difficult – all the more so because now things are so good with both my folks that I am actually leaving a home, and therefore now have a home to be homesick for.
And…this is the best bit….think even if my 年休 is down to five days, I may still be able to swing the same time I intended to come for. *dances circles around staffroom…in her mind*
I shall go and take my bounciness and apply it to my studies now *grin*

Ooh, and I’m hungry! I just had the first hunger pain for god-knows how long – maybe a month.

starofpersiaJanuary 25, 2005 - 5:11 pm

Hey- I still have about $200 of domestic Australian flight credit if you’re interested (I know at least half of it is transferable). I haven’t decided whether or not to try to travel to Aus again before I leave, but if you think you can put it to good use, it’s yours…

m0lybdenumJanuary 25, 2005 - 5:49 pm

I really need to come around to talk to you and get the scoop on everything, but have you changed your mind on recontracting?

And Happy Australia Day!

gypsyamberJanuary 25, 2005 - 6:04 pm

Probably not this time round – intend on staying in victoria. The people I’d want to visit in Sydney will be down for a roleplaying con so no need to leave Melb.
Does it have a use by date? I’m back in August for a short time, and may be able to use it then. That way, you’d also know by then whether you’ve used it or not!

gypsyamberJanuary 25, 2005 - 6:06 pm

thank-you *grin*

Yup, recontracting; looking for, filling in and handing in forms today in fact. I’m enjoying all the perks and friendships here too much to leave earlier than I have to. And now that I’m not all set to have a career started by 30, I have all the time in the world. Wheeee…..

starofpersiaJanuary 25, 2005 - 6:07 pm

sounds like a plan!

leafsfan_28January 26, 2005 - 12:39 am

Mmm Coopers

If you happen to bring back some extra Coopers, I would love to try some. I used to dring the homebrew kits from Coopers all the time.

the_taoJanuary 26, 2005 - 5:06 am

When exactly are you supposed to be back in Oz and for how long?

We may just try to alter our flight times so that we can actually catch up with you whilst back home.

zen_catJanuary 26, 2005 - 2:28 pm

Well, if it makes any difference, Cathay is safer than Vietnam Airlines. (I work for an Aviation Safety Consultancy)

gypsyamberJanuary 26, 2005 - 8:52 pm

Aiming to get in Mar 17 or 18th, and leave Apr 8th. Should have definite details by Sunday… Wheeeee

Hey, are you guys spending time in Vietnam on the way back? I’ve got some places I can recommend….

When do your current times have you back in oz?

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