It’s snowing!

Whispy flurries dusting a sugar coating on the ground below.

Wish I could go play *laments being ‘responsible grown-up figure*

Snowing up you way, whitmanschild? I guess you probably woke up to snow resilient enough to stay on the ground.

Somehow the cold is so much more bearable if it’s pretty.

EDIT: So, I’m not that great at being a responsible rolemodel *grin* But it was fun. Enough snow to turn the ground white. Only regret: not having camera here. There was a group of bikes so covered they looked like they were made of snow. Yellow roses with white tips, looking like they been dipped in salt like a margarita glass. Students rolling up snowballs, making pocket size snowmen (of course) and having snow fights.

Now, lunchtime is over, the snow has stopped falling and I must work (yes, some ALTs do that sometimes!)

whitmanschildJanuary 31, 2005 - 8:40 pm

Lotsa snow. Lots of it stuck last night and this is just getting piled. Nothing like at home, but still a lot…

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