The universe says “Yes!”

I have recieved so much encouragement, both from the universe and those around me, since making the decision that I will try and go somewhere with photography. It’s a step I was always too nervous or scared to take and did not believe I was capable of. Now, with everything falling into place, how can I possibly believe I’m meant to do anything else!?!
All this ‘falling into place’ stuff wouldn’t be happening without the muchly appreciated help of many, and right now I’d send out thanks and huggles to: Mum – for the loan of a tripod (while I decide what I want) and the gift of a 35-135mm lens for my digital slr; Dad – for researching and finding two perfect camera bags for me; delwyn – for giving me a 55-200mm lens for my digital (friends who randomly give me cool stuff like lenses rock my world so much I get dizzy! 😀 ; derigueur for taking a chance with me *fingers crossed it pays off*; Tracy – for giving me the biggest compliment ever in learning from me 😉 ; and everyone else who has liked my work and encouraged me do do more. *HUUUUGGGGLESSS*
It’s scary, exhilirating, exciting and bottom-dropping-out-of-stomach nervewracking, to be putting myself out there and saying this is what I want to do, but this path of mine has received so much validation in the last month that the frizzles of anxiety have smoothed somewhat and my heart is leaping around, alternatively yelling “Yippee” and “Oh My God!What am I getting into?”

An aside, I’m trying to get better at posting pics here, but these will be snapshots of my life here, rather than serious stuff. Just in case anyone looks at what I post and wonders what crack pipe I’ve been smoking recently 😉

m0lybdenumApril 18, 2005 - 1:33 am

that’s great! Photography is so fun, it’s a great hobby and it would be such a good career too. I don’t think I’ve seen any of your pictures yet, except some from Vietnam. I’d like to see them sometime!

jokrackApril 18, 2005 - 1:42 am

I am all for artists becoming artists rather than day-job hobbyists. Eventually I too will take the plunge and make my writing a career.

Also, read “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron if you can get a copy. Better yet, do her course (you can do it with the book). Very good for motivating you if you get overwhelmed by the idea of supporting yourself by your art.

delwynApril 18, 2005 - 1:50 am

You’re very welcome, I’m glad to be able to find a home for the lens where it’ll get plenty of use 🙂

Here’s a link to the photos I took in New Zealand last year – there’s a bunch of pics in there showing how much detail can be captured with a digital SLR. (The speed may be slow, those pics are hosted on my home DSL connection)

derigueurApril 18, 2005 - 2:45 am

Don’t forget that you’re taking a chace with *me* in my exhilirating, nerve-wracking, stomach-dropping-out-of-bottom ride into self-employed publisher-ness!

But it shall be a pleasure working with you, regardless!

*blows highly professional and objective kisses to new client*

teknohippiApril 18, 2005 - 3:10 am

Grins with happiness
BTW want some other art works?

derigueurApril 18, 2005 - 3:13 am

Sure! If it is in electronic format I can work with them.

cridmeisterApril 18, 2005 - 10:56 am



just thinking how much I miss you – excitement, joy, fun, and all. oh yeah – and if you ever want anybody to help you change your clit ring, don’t ask me unless you got *two* pairs of pliers.




gypsyamberApril 18, 2005 - 12:14 pm

I have some photos up on photobucket – same username as lj. But so far most of what I do is just kept on my computer. I’d love to see more of yours, so maybe we should get together one day and share photos

gypsyamberApril 18, 2005 - 12:20 pm

haven’t quite jumped to the idea of supporting myself by my art – but that’s probably just a matter of time. I think my mum has that book…I shall ask her and if not, there’s always amazon. Thanks.

AnonymousApril 18, 2005 - 1:19 pm


You are braver than I am, so I’ll send you all my luck to support you.


gypsyamberApril 18, 2005 - 1:27 pm


Miss you too Ceri
Oh, I had it changed when I was back home so is all good now. Get this though – the ball with the jewel in it, which I asked you to try and remove, well turns out that it was attached to the bar and wasn’t meant to be removed. So the fact that you got it to turn around even slightly was extremely impressive! The jewel wasn’t meant to fall out either so they replaced it free of charge.Yay! I now have sexy gold and diamond like sparklies down there. Very pretty *nods head decisively*
*huge Hugs*

gypsyamberApril 18, 2005 - 1:30 pm

Re: Goodluck

Thank-you sweetie!

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