From punk_rock_nerd
Before you go any further, write down the names of 20 people you know on LJ (and if you don’t know 20 people on LJ, pick some RL people to fill the gaps). Then click the cut and answer the questions (and read my answers)!

1. whitmanschild
2. tentatores
3. kitling
4. teknohippi
5. punk_rock_nerd
6. derigueur
7. anachronoclast
8. daisynerd
9. kowari
10. the_tao
11. starofpersia
12. thag
13. catwitch
14. bonesinger
15. qamar
16. nikkicat13
17. orethule
18. etsba
19. sleazemonkey
20 freud_au

Is #9 a boy or a girl? she is all woman…nothing girly about her!
Would #11 and #2 make a cute couple? If two cutes make a cute, then yes. Probably a cute and silly couple.
How about #18 and #4? Maybe, if they both weren’t married (to others) already
What grade is #17 in? Grade? She’s in Grade Strong and Resilient
When was the last time you talked to #12? Sunday April 3rd *sob* Though thee have been message passings since then.
What is #6’s favorite band? no idea….don’t know the popular medieval bands of today
Does #1 have any siblings? yes
Would you ever date #3? yeah…and her beloved too 😉
Would you ever date #7? beat you to it
Is #16 single? No
What’s #15’s last name? No idea
What’s #10’s middle name? Paul? Nope, can’t remember.
What’s #5’s favorite thing to do? flirt 😉 No, probably spend time with friends
Is #13 hot? mmhuh
Would #14 and #19 make a good couple? *shrug* Don’t know.
What school does #20 go to? The school of Making Things Right – a hard school to get into, and even harder to stay in. *takes hat off to freud_au
Tell me a random fact about #11: She was one of my first girl crushes
And #1: He loves chocolate and curry, and has recently taken to combining the two
And #3: She smells nice
Have you ever had a crush on #15? Who wouldn’t?
Where does #9 live? In one of those suburbs you use a freeway to get to..but there’s a spa and cool house to make up for it.
What’s #4 favorite color? *frowns in concentration* Green, I think
Would you makeout with #14? Do I have to keep incriminating myself? Yes, yes I would.
Are #5 & #6 best friends? No
Does #7 like #20? I don’t know – not even sure they really know each other
Does #8 like #19? I would assume so
How did you meet #2? Through Sean
How did you meet #18? Through work
Does #10 have any pets? No, no fixed address at which to keep them!
Is #12 older than you? Nope *waves at thag* Heya, you young whippersnapper, you!
Is #17 the sexiest person alive, or what? All my friends are sexy, thank-you very much. Don’t ask me to put one above the rest! (though, yes you are very sexy, orethule *grin*)

punk_rock_nerdMay 26, 2005 - 4:16 am

I’d say my favourite thing to do is fall for unavailable women. Gods know I do it often enough.

gypsyamberMay 26, 2005 - 6:18 am

Doing something often does not mean it is your favourite thing to do 😉

derigueurMay 26, 2005 - 7:51 am

I don’t just like medieval! But the closest to that category (modern medieval) would be either Garmarna (Nordic Trad. Folk revival) or Andrew Lawrence King’s Spanish Harp Consort and their exquisite ‘Amores Pasadas’ and ‘Luz y Norte’.

For contemporary stuff: Tom Waits, Bjork, Phillip Glass.

And no, punk_rock_nerd and I aren’t best friends…yet!

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