
I feel like I’m teaching with a gag in my mouth and my hands tied behind my back. What’s the bloody point? i didn’t expect great job satisfaction but niether did I expect to have no real point.

kitlingMarch 15, 2004 - 3:55 am


it sucks when your work doesn’t seem to be achieving much. I find it helps to do what i can do well…

hugs again

axolotl_eyesMarch 15, 2004 - 7:47 am

It is sucky indeed.

I spent the first three periods today researching romantic Seto islands getaways, taught my one class for the day, and then spent the whole afternoon redecorating the English Board. I would have liked to help paint the third year hallway with the other teachers who have nothing to do, but, as usual, they didn’t ask and I didn’t find out until they were finished.

As for the job not having any point…it is a vicious cycle…we come excited and willing to teach and do amazing things for the kids, but our co-workers assume we don’t want to/don’t have the ability to teach thus underutilizing our our potential. In turn, we become sullen and despondent about it, making us less interested in even keeping up the appearance of doing work at all. Then, when they catch us sneaking out for an afternoon nap after the third day in a row where classes were cancelled ‘because they needed to teach English’, they all say ‘wow the ALTs sure don’t like to work.’ And the cycle continues.

ps..did you go to Nara this weekend? How was it??

gypsyamberMarch 16, 2004 - 1:58 am

Oh yeah, can feel myself totaly sucked into that cycle! Am hoping spring break will help rejuvenate and refresh my mind.
Yes, Went to Nara with Shanta and it ROCKED!!! Oh it was so much fun. They played _great_ music _all_ night long. if only there was a regular club like that, with all the groovy 60’s, 70’s 80’s music and none of the teeny boopers out on the meat market. If I could find a place like that, I would be boogying my arse away every weekend!!! Oh, and a club that opened earlier, like 6pm!!!! So could still have hours of dancing and make las train home and not wipe out entire next day. not asking for much am I?!!

etsbaMarch 22, 2004 - 7:56 am

Sorry it’s crap babe… A waste of your many talents.
Miss you heaps and glad you’ve finally put fresh journal entries up!

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