I needed that

So I went to Kahoku JHS to do a demonstration class with one of my old teachers. It is not one of my schools, but the ALT who belongs there is back in America at the moment, so Marutani sensei called me (we’ve worked together until now at Nishiwaki and when I’ve considered which JTE I’d want to do a demo class with, his name is one of four which have come to mind. So I was happy to help him out)
The class seemed to go well – though poor Marutani sensei was incredibly nervous. I was nervous too, but not so much – I guess having to go through first classes with 16+ different teachers over the last two years has dulled down the nerves of teaching in front of an audience.
After the class, we had a meeting in which we got to say what we thought went well, and what didn’t, then the teachers who all remained for the meeting got their say. I was totally unprepared for them asking me for my impression. I managed to say absolutely nothing. My mind went completely blank and I couldn’t think of anything in Japanese or English. Eek. Stage fright at it’s very best :-/
Then my supervisor made his comments. To Marutani sensei he said it was a really enjoyable class and did not feel like 50 min at all, he was having so much fun (yes, the teachers were just watching. We were teaching real students!) he also had some other tips for future classes. Then to me he said that I’m a very supportive teacher which makes the students like me very quickly and that I’m very helpful and give them good hints while they’re working. This, plus his confidence in me before the class (he asked how I was doing and told me not to be nervous cos he knows I’m always a good teacher) chased away the doubts which were creeping back in this week *smile*
Then as we were leaving, I got to talk to Shorei sensei (who used to work at The Zoo, but has now been transferred) and she said she’s really sad that she got moved because she can’t teach with me anymore. *glow*

Right, I am now fortified against what the morrow may bring. And I’ll be another day closer to the end of this round.

damokunJune 8, 2005 - 2:49 pm

You deserve more than just an “otsukare”…

I’ve only just gotten back from Tokyo and read your recent LJ posts. I know how it feels to be at a bad school and sympathise with your visits to “the zoo”. Remember that if it’s a “once a week”er, you can count down the remaining days there on your two hands now! It’s so exciting to think about the prospect of not having to go to school every day!

Glad to hear your demo class went well and that the teachers finally had the chance to give you the praise you deserve (cos let’s face it, they wouldn’t just do it on any random occasion would they).

Hope that we can catch up at some stage, be it in Japan or Oz. Still not sure what’ll be happening yet but after my interviews today, I’m quietly confident that I’ll be a Tokyo-boy from the end of July. If you go home early, I might be able to squeeze in a quick visit to Melbourne sometime around that long weekend that we have at that time!

whitmanschildJune 9, 2005 - 12:04 am

You should show your JTEs that you’re not just a killer teacher, but you know how to lay the smack down! Crack that whip! Show those little fuckers who’s boss! Put on your fierce eye-make up and glare a lot! Do something that’ll shock the fuck out of them! YAH!

*cracks bullwhip above head*

Take that, you little wanna-be punk fucks! YAH!!

…um…and stuff… Sorry, I’m just in one of those moods today…

gypsyamberJune 9, 2005 - 2:59 am


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