Funny how things work

In November, when I bought my bright purple polar fleece jacket, I debated getting the blue as well. I went back to Uniqlo, decided against the blue and debated getting the black. However, I have plenty of black in my wardrobe – my entire winter wardrobe consists of black with splashes of purple – so decided it was just being silly getting yet another black warm over-thing. Now that I am wearing two fleece jackets everyday, suddenly my different jackets each day (to look like I have more outfits than I do 😉 have merged into one and I do need another fleece to alternate with the purple.(Okay, well don’t really :need: in the higher scheme of things; but it will be noticed if I am wearing the same tops all winter). After work on friday I went back to Uniqlo to get the black fleece jacket, only to find the only colour left which I liked was the blue.
Shoulda got it when I first debated it!

jokrackJanuary 16, 2006 - 7:45 am

Heh, all signs point to BLUE!

There’s no fighting it, really. I wish more of life’s decisions were so easy (“You KNOW this is the right option; I’m not even gonna GIVE you other options!”).

(Not saying I don’t like options, just that too many options leads to confusion and a little nudge to listen to one’s intuition is always appreciated, eh?)

goblinbrodieJanuary 18, 2006 - 5:32 am

Stuff disappears so quickly from Uniqlo…

gypsyamberJanuary 18, 2006 - 5:42 am

All I can say, is that sometimes life can be a little harsh in pointing you the right direction especially if you’ve made what is actually the wrong decision…or t least not the decision you were meant to make.

Mind you, it does give me extra incentive to be even more attentive to my instincts ( and no, I’m no longer talking about blue vs black!)

gypsyamberJanuary 18, 2006 - 5:43 am

Incredible, ne. It’s one store where I don’t even count on things still being there a week later, let alone two months later.

Actually I’m amazed they had any at all.

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