Typhoons are good for something

As soon as I finish my yummy pineapple I am headed to the beach to be tossed around by the waves brought on by incoming typhoon.
Envy me! Envy me much!!!!

Pity my new fave bar will be closed – it has to on account of being underwater during typhoons!

Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomble for yesterday

tombleJune 20, 2004 - 9:46 am

Ooo, thank you!

We’ll really, truly be getting that box o’ goodies off to you this week!

lirionJune 20, 2004 - 2:01 pm

I envy you indeed m’dear 🙂

Even as I curl up a ball to appreciate Melbourne’s Winter, which has its own special charm, in the right frame of mind… 🙂

kowariJune 21, 2004 - 12:00 am



teknohippiJune 21, 2004 - 1:24 am

Envy Envy Envy

Yepee for great waves! I won’t tell the Adam (or then again maybe I will and then could be one step closer to getting the boy OS). Adam they have typhoon waves in Japan want to go for a swim there? Do you think I can get away with that?

How good are the pineapples? We had the best pineapples in the Solomons, so sweet and juicy and cheap. I have never had any so good.

Have fun

gypsyamberJune 21, 2004 - 7:13 am

Re: Envy Envy Envy

MMmm.. they’re sweet and juicy but i suspect not as good as the solomons, and not cheap, but still not outlandish – or else i’m more used to prices here than i know! Usually about $4.50 a pineapple, the ones that I buy anyway…i buy the cheapest!!

my qn is: how much does the adam like swimming? if the same as u and i, then that ploy is bound to work!!!Wish I could go down today…the typhoon is here…the waves must be fantastic. But I need more sturdy transport than my bike, methinks. sigh

kitlingJune 22, 2004 - 12:55 am

next year
instead of doing midwinter – we should go overseas and do two midsummers

hugs and wanting rum chai
have passport application all filled out – just wants money added to it 🙂

gypsyamberJune 22, 2004 - 4:12 am

yes, I wholeheartedly support the idea of two midummers. Definitely a good idea, TM *emphatically nods head*

I could take you to wonderous bar on beach with rum chai…and candle ceremony could be done on the beach 🙂

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