Shiny new toys make things good

I’m picking up my new lens now..wheee…and new camera bag, and gonna get a case for my digicam as well – it’s looking a little rough around the edges from living in my bag all year 🙂
Then it’s off to the beach for Blair’s sayonara beach party. Much fun, frivolity and relaxing hours ahead. BBQ, DJ and fire, lots of fire tonight..maybe even fireworks. Looking forward to dozing in warm sand this arvo…not nearly enough sleep…I’m feeling very like my digicam looks :-/

zen_catJuly 19, 2004 - 1:06 am

Hey, if you have a digi cam, why aren’t we seeing photos? I demand photos!

gypsyamberJuly 19, 2004 - 10:50 am

you’re not seeing photos due to my supremely frustrating pc – _I_ can’t even see my pics…stupid, stupid 16 colour resolution. However, be prepared for the onslaught once I work out stuff like photobucket come september, on shiny new laptop. I have been taking lots n lots of photos with everyone back home in mind…honest!

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