
When I wanted the distraction of LJ early Sun morning, no new posts. 24 hrs later, I’m not gonna catch up on them all. It never rains but it pours.
Oh, and thank-you to all the lovely comments to my last pissed-off/miserable post.

Sunday was Blair’s sayoonara beach party – I was one of the hardcores; there from midday Sunday to 5am Mon. It was excellent. Having it extend over so many hours gave plenty of time to catch up with lots of people which was great as I’m really not sure how many I’ll see after Blair leaves.
There were many fireworks, and poi spinning, and poi spinning within circle of fireworks. That was pretty damn funky. Unfortunately my spinning was cut short when I hit myself full in the eye with flaming poi. Not very pleasant, to say the least. However, having ice administered and eye gently cleaned by cute chick who gets super flirty when tipsy made it all better! Plus judicious administration of alcohol. Eye still sore, and head still hurts but black eye was averted and no burns present. To get a black eye must require a really, really, really, REALLY hard hit, me thinks. Not a theory I want to come so close to proving again.
It was also an excellent night for Team Corrupters – Blair and I had many people doing Quila Body Shots *wicked, wicked grin* And somehow Blair and I ended up being the main body shot receptacles (is that what you’d call it?) I wonder how on earth _that_ happened *innocent blue eyes*
Once the Quila was finished we tried shotting plum wine, but it doesn’t shot as well. Then it was time for swimming and getting as many other people naked as possible. We were remarkably successful.
The high schoolers (!!!) I met at Bagus a coupla weeks ago brought along a couple of friends. Yuki and Dai are the cutest couple. Dai works as a part-time DJ in Kobe (there are reasons why I didn’t realise they were high school students until they told me!) and plays guitar really well. Ches and I were both pleasantly surprised. He also writes his own songs, so I am lined up for a cd when he gets next batch made.
Anyway, one of their friends was quite beyond our corrupting abilities. I think I may have found someone who can teach me some Japanese bondage – am very, very excited about this!
All in all, a great day/night. Perfect end to the term/start to the summer holidays. Only a few more hours of school left, then tomorrow I choof off to the US ready for Shannon and Trav’s wedding on Saturday. It hasn’t quite sunk in yet. I realised yesterday that I really do have to pack today!
Farewell dinner with Blair tonight as he will be gone before I get back next week. 🙁 Also, last time of seeing Shanta in Japan. However, she’s pretty set on visiting oz next year when I’m visiting. I’m gonna miss them both so much next year. (next year being Aug-Jul – contract year, not calendar year)
Yipes, there goes the bell.

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