*shakes head at self*

I really am trying at being a geek girl. Really I am.

Today I forgot the power cord for my laptop, having used it last night and this morning without power- …. oh wait….

*light dawns*

That’s right. I ran it off the battery cos I left the powercord in my bag so I wouldn’t forget it today.
*rummages in bag* *pulls out said “forgotten” powercord* *embarrassed smile* He.

So, returning to the original thread, I am looking geeky today – I’ve even brought the camera along into the fray so now desk has laptop, HDD and camera.

Don’t ask why I’m still posting this and sharing what could be kept my little secret. Maybe I just know there’s someone out there who needs a laugh this morning at someone elses’s absent-mindedness and silliness.

neefsckApril 17, 2007 - 12:33 am

You do *not* have the market cornered on sillyness this morning 🙂
Trust me.

In getting ready to put things in teh washing machine, I somehow lost underwear, socks, a pair of trousers, and a tshirt.
I tossed this study up and down, and all over, looked under the bed, behind things, everywhere..
Then in desperation I checked the washing machine..
Guess where they were? 🙂

BTW: I have toast for you, I’ve burned it to a cd . and I’ll hunt up that serial number today.
But Im going out this evening..

I’ll get it to you in the next few days.

gypsyamberApril 17, 2007 - 12:42 am

Next few days is fine. I’ll be in geelong Wednesday night, but even if housemates are home it can be left with them. I think I will be doing mass burning fest on Friday so I can give them to friend for her birthday 🙂

Thank you muchly for your help (((HUGE HUGS FOR THE NEEF)))

And I didn’t for one minute think that I could be beating you for silliness this morning ;-P I just lack that essential Neefness! Running a close second though

derigueurApril 17, 2007 - 1:08 am


I just fed the cats twice. It never occurred to me to wonder why they looked surprised when I took the just-filled bowls away from them, emptied them, and then refilled them.

I think I was still asleep. They appreciated me sitting on the floor laughing though, because it meant they got back-scratches while they ate 🙂

gypsyamberApril 17, 2007 - 1:13 am


Apparently silliness abounds this Tuesday morning. I can just imagine the puzzled expressions of your darlings.

Poor Ophelia had a restless night. I kept waking up all night thinking it was Saturday, realising there is a whole week to go yet, and rolling over to sleep again. Of course this meant she had to wake up and walk around/over me to get back in my arms to sleep again. I think she’ll like having the bed to herself today so she can get a proper sleep!

non_lj_markApril 17, 2007 - 10:35 pm


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