Coming home

is such a downer. I think it’s the combination of saying goodbye to dear, dear friends who I only see every two or three years; leaving a place which reminded me so much of Northern Victoria, and Australian summer; and coming back to a Shanta and Blair-less Wakayama.
I’m trying very hard to focus on Thailand and be excited about the next three weeks, but at the moment the reality of the next year here is crashing down and feels like it’s suffocating me. How can one week away change my attitude so much? Before going away I was half sorry I was going to be away most of summer, but now, now I wish I was away for ALL of the holidays – three weeks in Oregon and three in Thailand.
Thank heaven I only have two days here. I just have to get through today and tomorrow and then I will be off again on next adventure, leaving Japan far behind again. But, in Thailand I have to say goodbye properly to Shanta. I’m gonna need some major pulling-out-of-slumpinees when I get back here Aug 23. oh man. Far, far too many goodbyes in short space of time. I hate goodbyes. I especially hate goodbyes when you don’t know when you’ll next meet up. There are many great things about having friends all over the world, and having friends who travel all over the world but the one big sucky thing is the need for goodbyes and long times of not meeting.
*shakes self in attempt to shed doledrums*
Well, I have stuff to unpack and a positive attitude to cultivate/find, not to mention personal journal to update and e-mail update to write.
My time in Oregon was absolutely fantastic, by the way.

anachronoclastJuly 28, 2004 - 11:17 pm

catch you as you fly by…

quick ‘hi’ while you’re here. 🙂 glad you had a great time in oregon, look fwd to hearing all about it.

and *big hugs* ’cause you sound like you need ’em.

enjoy thailand, dudette. you’ll have a ball.

kitlingJuly 29, 2004 - 2:19 am

rock on in thailand for me as well as you – still envious

also – we will need to think of some cheering up present ideas to send to anber

suggestions for care packages?

sleazemonkeyJuly 29, 2004 - 2:36 am

heya babe

stay strong, you’re doing ace 🙂

missing u

AnonymousJuly 29, 2004 - 3:12 am

If it helps

Andrew and I have bought our tickets and will be in Japan on the 5th of Oct for two weeks. Very happy Nat!!!

Looking forward to seeing you and giving you a hug.


gypsyamberJuly 29, 2004 - 6:33 am

Re: If it helps

oh it helps, it helps muchly! Do either of you like sweet whites? Or spiced wine? I brought back three bottles of scrummy, yummy wine and have no-one to share with….
Oct 5th huh? yay! You’ll be here for long weekend! Yippee!!

gypsyamberJuly 29, 2004 - 6:34 am

Thanks 🙂

Miss you too.

gypsyamberJuly 29, 2004 - 6:39 am

Re: catch you as you fly by…

I’m flying, but not quite fast enough. As long as I focus on what I need to do today and tomorrow before heading off for three weeks, I’m fine. It’s the moment that I stop that I feel sad and torn apart.
I will love Thailand, I know I will. I can’t wait to see the sights, smell the scents and taste the gastronomical delights, but I know it will be mingled with a taste of home (Em) and two goodbyes.
*prepares BIG cushions for fall back to Japan*

On the up side, I WILL have shiny new laptop on return from Thailand (if I wish it hard enough, it will be so)

gypsyamberJuly 29, 2004 - 6:48 am

We’re visiting tigger park first day!!!! And having fatty feast of bestest seafood ever! This is the plan, and it is a good one.

suggestions for care package: lots of friends to snuggle with, random affection, Ophelia, Jumbles and Skitch playing, Malmal mooching, non-humid summer, ATMs that don’t shut, affordable and plentiful fruit (not just the 3 varieties in season), hugs, people who understand me, rainbows, people playing with my hair, refreshing (cold!) ocean waves, a good massage and back scratch, Dan readings with just my faves reading, more hugs, more random affection…

This is gonna be one interesting care package! I somehow suspect Australia Post would not deliver. *sigh* I can dream though.

kitlingJuly 29, 2004 - 6:57 am

I figure if auspost let me send a badly wrapped package of white powdered bleach with a poison symbol on it through the post than anything is possible 🙂


gypsyamberJuly 29, 2004 - 7:16 am

*chuckle* good point!

nikkicat13August 13, 2004 - 1:46 am

Happy Birthday Beautiful 🙂

Well, for yesterday, at least 🙂

A certain silly girl (me of course) forgot you weren’t at home currently, so last night rang and spoke to your answering machine for a bit… Hope it amuses/helps to cheer you up 🙂

You’ll also have a small care package/birthday pack winging its way over to you shortly – it’ll probably get there just after you do 😉 … just some little things … hope you like them …

In the meantime, all my love, hugs, smooches, scritches, pats and purrs to you… xxxxxxxxxxx

Btw, thank you sooooo much for the Jenny outfit!!! I love it and so do the dolls – in fact they’re fighting over who gets to wear it first! Any possibility of a kimono for them? (Money can be sent – just let me know how)

ps: missing you lots and soooooo looking forward to next April-ish

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