putting off going to bed

Seven things in your room:
1. Three stuffed toys: DJ Sye (white tiger), Kitty Kat (one guess) and I can’t remember the bear’s name.
2. An impressive erotica book collection
3. Photos of Ophelia
4. Runes
5. 200 yr old mahjong set
6. Cameras
7. Postcards of 50’s pinup girls

Seven things to do before death:
1. Travel to as many countries as possible
2. Find a career which aids the achievement of no. 1
3. Have a house full of cats
4.Learn to use the manual settings on camera as quickly and easily as program mode
5. Dance, lots.
6. Live by the ocean, as in metres away
7. Skydive

Seven things that attract you to (the opposite/same sex) others:
1. Creativity
2. Dry sense of humor
3. Hands
4. Eyes
5. Honesty
6. Passion
7. Openness

Top seven things you say most:
1. yeah
2. no
3. ne (all round filler)
4. wakaran (I don’t understand)
5. shit
6. damn
7. fuck

Do You:
Smoke?: When drinking with smoking friends, sometmes.
Do drugs?: No…not after the first and last time.
Read the newspaper? Occasionally.
Pray?: Yes, in my own way
Been in love?: in lovish – once; in love so much I want to spent the rest of my life with this person – once
Had a medical emergency?: Nearly cut off my fingers.
Swam in the dark? Yup. Naked.
Been to a Bonfire: Yup.
Got Drunk: Yup
Ran away from home?: Yup
Played strip poker?: Not strip poker, have played strip snakes’n’ladders though…
Gotten beaten up?: yes.
Beaten someone up?: Yes.
Been on stage?: Yes.
Slept outdoors?: Yes.
Pulled an all nighter?: Yup.
If yes, what is your record?: Not sure, don’t think I reched 48 hours, maybe round the 36 hr mark
Made out with a stranger?: Yes, great way of getting to know someone!.
Been on radio/tv?: Both, if movie counts as tv.
Been in a mosh-pit?: Unintentionally, yes.
Been to a party: Of course
Gotten lost in the woods: Yes, completely and scarily lost.
Been in an Undertow: I think so
Smoked a Cigar: Yes, though my ‘friends’ forgot to tell me not to inhale. Ta muchly
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: Uh, yeah. The point being…??
Describe your first kiss?: noisy and slobbery, not at all romantic

About You
Three words that sum you up: honest, loyal, independent
Wallet: here, black leather; at home fushia and bright orange leather
Coffee: uh uh, not unless you want uber bitch on your hands
Shoes: at the moment, sports sandles. in winter, boots
Cologne/Perfume: Jean Paul Gaultier, Classique and Fragile
Clothing you have on: Clothes? There is room for clothes in this heat??

In the last 24 Hours have you….:
Cried: Nearly.
Bought something: Food
Gotten sick: No.
Sang: No
Eaten: No
Been kissed: Not in the last 24 hours, no
Felt stupid: No.
Wanted to tell someone you love them, but didn’t: No.
Talked to an ex: No.
Talked to someone you have a crush on: No
Had a serious talk: Does it count if with myself?
Missed someone: Yes, lots of someones, immensely.
Hugged someone: Unfortunately not.
Argued with a parent(s): Nope

Social Life: Generally busy.
Boyfriend/girlfriend: Nope, not ready.
Car you drive: Here, nothing; back home, 1986 Mitsubishi Cordia.
Would you rather be with friends or on a date: With friends
Job: Expensive DVD player at Junior high schools.
Attend church: No.
Like being around people: When I’m in the mood

Last :
Thing you ate: A whole apple in jelly – there’s bizarre stuff at the convenience stores here!
Thing you drank: Water
Place you went: Lawson.
Person you kissed: Real: Anton; Friendly: Shannon and Traveler.
Person you hugged: Anton
Person you talked to: Myself, oh before that? My eikaiwa students
Person you IMed: ??Que???
Song you heard: Come what may – Moulin Rouge ST

Currents :
Current Clothes: Absent
Current Mood: Tired and lonely and sad
Current Taste: Thirst for water
Current Hair: Dark red
Current Annoyance: So many little things here, oh and Toshiba.
Current DVD In Player: Bring It On
Current Refreshment: Water
Current Worry: How much getting laptop posted will cost; the year ahead

Are you artistic: Yes.
Are you athletic: Nope.
Are you a brat: I don’t think so.
Do you like spiders?: Some…but not daddy-long-legs – they just wig me out
Can you do anything freakish with your body?: Umm..not that I can think of
What are you listening to: My body crying for sleep, the hum of computer (too lazy to change cd)
If you could be anywhere, where would you be?: In Spain, or at home with my cat
Makeup or natural look: Depends on the day and the occasion

whitmanschildAugust 23, 2004 - 12:51 am

When are you coming back from Thailand, sweetums? We miss you here in the Wide World of Wakayama!

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