for random interest’s sake

I gave in. I blame tracybelle.

I too now have joined the fad “it’s like lj mixed with myspace, but better than both”* Facebook. So come find me if I haven’t found you yet. If you want to, of course.

*other people’s opinions. Personally I still love lj for blogging.

starofpersiaSeptember 3, 2007 - 8:16 am

really? I think it’s highly overrated…

delwynSeptember 3, 2007 - 8:29 am

Yeah, I’ve been talked in to giving in too.

I dislike their policy that prevents you from altering the name that gets displayed (or even being able to restrict it to just a first name!), so you’ll find me on there as Boppin Along… of course now I need to find a recent photo of me to upload – hardest thing to find, a photo of yourself.

qamarSeptember 3, 2007 - 9:11 am

I still love lj too. Facebook is a good addition. 🙂

gypsyamberSeptember 3, 2007 - 11:17 pm

I think the thing I like about it is the wider range of people it reaches than lj – of my friends anyway. Unfortunately the one person I wanted to find and hoped I would on Facebook, I can’t. But I’ve had more j-friends join that just don’t go on lj.

gypsyamberSeptember 3, 2007 - 11:38 pm

yeah, the thing I was most unsure of was having to give real name and needing first and second name. I toyed with the idea of splitting my usual nick into two names, but then the other reason that I got on was that I wanyted to find some people, or have them find me and for that it was better to use my real name.

anachronoclastSeptember 5, 2007 - 3:16 am

looks like i’ll be joining you, but def faking the name; you know my internet phobia. i’ll let you know.

friend teaching at a monastery in tibet; can’t use flickr but can use facebook. wierd.


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