home again, home again, jiggety-jig

Our three weeks of traipsing around India are now finished and we arrived back late Saturday night. The last day passed in true Indian fashion, starting with lukewarm water which petered out to a complete lack of water mid-shower (just as I had soap all over my body and conditioner all through my hair!), and finishing with all three flights home being delayed so that we spent over 24 hours in transit – somewhat excessive for an asian country so close.

Unfortunately I seem to have developed a stomach bug similar but much less severe to what I had in Vietnam. I’m sure it’s because my stomach is still stupidly sensitive from Vietnam. My new resolve is to avoid all asian/third world countries for the next 4-5 years and hopefully that will be enough time for my tummy to heal.

zen_cat is also sick – our parting gift from India!

teknohippiJanuary 8, 2008 - 1:02 am

Will see you soon – glad to see your safe return
Hugs and love

kitlingJanuary 8, 2008 - 1:32 am

Welcome home 🙂

you were missed

Also – why are the phones in reception so busy 😛

crystal_stormJanuary 8, 2008 - 1:32 am

…how did you get de-soaped? *boggle*

Great to have you back. Look forward to catching up some time now the the madness of 2007 is past! *big hugs to you and your darling*

whitmanschildJanuary 8, 2008 - 4:33 am

Glad you’re home, babe. Feel better soon.

bunnikinsJanuary 8, 2008 - 6:14 am

Welcome back!

Er, that’s back to where you are, not where I am:)

Hope your tummy recovers quickly, and ditto for

bunnikinsJanuary 8, 2008 - 6:15 am

Or , even. Doh.

halloranelderJanuary 8, 2008 - 9:07 am

YAY! We missed you.

Oh, and I found the remote control for the dvd player. It was sitting right where I left it, which explains why I couldn’t find it.

Your house is a short walk from work for the look of it, so you want me to drop it around sometime?

gypsyamberJanuary 8, 2008 - 11:21 pm

Thankyou. I twas thinking of you on midsummer.

I can only assume because people keep ringing us on them – I’m not at work til thursday…*grumble*stomach bug*grumble*

I went in on Monday morning, and my boss pretty much sent me home via the doctor. Fortunately the antibiotics are working and yesterday I managed two whole meals! So tomorrow back at work.

I have GIN!!!!! For you!!!!

gypsyamberJanuary 8, 2008 - 11:23 pm

Rafe called the other house where Shruti and Dave were staying with her family and asked for someone to bring over a bucket of water for me. instead her dad came over and turned on the water pump downstairs that no-one had told us about! It still didn’t pump enough for a shower, but I could crawl under the tap and rinse off that way.

*huge hugs back* Hooray for 2008!!!!

gypsyamberJanuary 8, 2008 - 11:26 pm

Thank you. Tis good be home and back in the land of cleanliness, little to no pollution and NO TOUTS!!!!

has this week off work anyway, so I’ve been watching, and sleeping while he’s been puttering around the house, doing some of the things we’ve been wanting to do since moving in, such as putting clear numbers on the gate so people can find us! It feels good to see changes and improvements happen. Will be even better when I’m strong enough again to join in!

*uber hugs to you*

gypsyamberJanuary 8, 2008 - 11:28 pm

Thank you.

I hope all is going well in macau..? I’m dreadfully out of date on lj and blogger and everything right now… but have been wondering what christmas and new year were like for you…and what you did for your very first midsummer away from

gypsyamberJanuary 8, 2008 - 11:30 pm

Tis nice to be missed, especially when I feel like I haven’t been the most social gypsycat in the world recently!

That would be great. You should be able to catch one or other of us here this week.

kitlingJanuary 8, 2008 - 11:42 pm

Yay Amber! yay Gin!

We should have lunch tomorrow or something 🙂

I spoke to Graham yesterday – he said you looked pretty bad. Glad to hear you are feeling better.

bunnikinsJanuary 9, 2008 - 8:58 am

Jai got some unexpected time off, and we spent the silly season on a small tropical island in Thailand. It was wonderful:)

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