It didn’t hit there, did it?

I am finding it bizarre that amongst all the photos and news reports of the bushfires, I’ve yet to see mention or photo of Strath Creek. I guess it is because it is a very small community in a not-well-known valley. I’m hoping it is because it hasn’t suffered as much damage as other areas, though from Jed’s description it sounds like a similar blackened landscape. I found mention of it once, after searching, in a newsletter update for the Kinglake Complex region on the CFA website. The newsletter which indicated that all roads in and out of the valley were closed – a thought which kept me sober and worried all Monday despite Sunday’s reassurances.

I find it bizarre and disturbing. It makes me wonder how many other small communities have been affected which we just aren’t hearing about.

At least I don’t feel so ignorant now for not realising the fire had hit them until Sue called on Sunday to reassure us that they were okay.

Thank you to all who commented on my last post. Your thoughts are appreciated. oxo

mireille21February 12, 2009 - 11:49 am

I have found the same problem. All the media etc are focssed on the bigger fires or well known places and I’ve had trouble tracking down information i want 🙁
Always nice though when you finally decide to give up and just call the people directly “Oh yeah, they’re miles away now, we’re fine.” Phew!

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