PC problems = no title

Agghh. They’ve changed it all on me (cos my pc wasn’t messing up my lj viewing enough) Now I can’t do the subject title thingy…it’s all ovelapped with the subject search box. Grrr…
Some days I tolerate this PC, other days I just want to boot it all the way to Tokyo, where everyone can look on in horror and shock that such a defunct machine was ever given life, much less kept alive. *grumble. grumble*

And now that’s mucked up my train of thought. Damn.
Okay, let’s start again *imagines pristine screen, with the title box being in the correct place*

Anitidote, anyone?

My heart’s back in order, or close enough to, which is great. Crush going strong, check. Hope in hell…nope. no check. This was clarified last weekend, in a very nice, not so-much-of-the-humiliation way. All good. I now know where I stand, and that is in a position where anything I have to offer, apart from straight friendship, is not appropriate. Hmm. So I just have to realise that I’ve met one of those great people who (I assume) touches the hearts of people he meets and then continues on. It is something to enjoy but not to develop crushes over, or want more of.
Now, I never worked it out when I was 16, and I find myself still clueless: how do you get rid of an inconvenient crush??? This is puzzling me. But I want it gone so I don’t have…so my mind doesn’t go wandering places it has no place to be.

Still, my heart’s working. Yay! And I’m way more adventurous than I ever was at 16. These are good things TM
And in just 19 more sleeps, I’ll have a Nat and Andrew to share my here with. Hip hip HOORAY!!!!!!!

starofpersiaSeptember 23, 2004 - 8:13 am

get a new crush? Though that doesnt really solve the problem.

samurai_justinSeptember 23, 2004 - 9:08 am

Hmm, the only solution I can think of is . . .
kill them.
Always works for me anyway.

daisynerdSeptember 23, 2004 - 7:57 pm

Sadly, I’ve always found that you just have to ride it out. But that can also be happily riding it out. The real tension is gone if you know nothing can come of it and as long as you behave appropriately, there is nothing wrong (in my books at least) with still enjoying all the lovely things about a crush until it melts (and it will eventually). You’re still allowed to fantasise about the person and enjoy their company and think stuff… There is, as you know, nothing wrong with these feelings and there’s nothing wrong with you because the object does not reciprocate them, so enjoy the tingles and the distractions. I think you’ll find it will lay itself to rest fairly quickly. That’s my useful suggestion. 🙂 And I’m so glad to hear that your heart is in working order again, I remember how I felt when mine returned to the world of feelings and it is incomparable. One more thought: I treasure the crushes that went nowhere, they never got complicated (but this only applies when you find out the lack of interest in the nicest possible way of course). I wrote a poem about it once. Which is funny because the object of affection at that point was a poet, but anyway…

anachronoclastSeptember 23, 2004 - 11:47 pm

ah, beat me to it. (*waves* hi!) 🙂

i agree totally. from my *cough*vast*cough* experience with this sort of thing, i’d say go with it, dudette. feel it and enjoy the feeling itself. you can still have the friendship and the crush.

and sounds like a funky friend if he took the time to let you down gently and didn’t freak like some would. i’d say yr still a lucky grrl.

but *hugs* just ’cause. 😉

gypsyamberSeptember 24, 2004 - 11:05 pm

Well, it kinda would cos maybe I’d be able to _do_ stuff with a new crush…

gypsyamberSeptember 24, 2004 - 11:05 pm

Simple, yet effective. Are you for hire?! 😉

gypsyamberSeptember 24, 2004 - 11:07 pm

Hmm.. yes, the not getting complicated is a very good thing, specially as I’m still not sure I’m ready for anything much.
I love the image of a crush melting, that is so the perfect way to describe it 🙂

gypsyamberSeptember 24, 2004 - 11:12 pm

Hugs always accepted, no reasons asked! 😉

Actually, it just came out in conversation in general so I was spared the having to confess deal. But yeah, when I clarified that it included me, he was pretty cool about it. And when I told him that while I don’t regret being me, sometimes I wish I was less so cos I think my attitudes intimate or scare off some people, he told me _very strongly_ that there I have a fabulous attitude, and never to think otherwise.
A very cool friend to have made 🙂

gypsyamberSeptember 24, 2004 - 11:14 pm


intimate was meant to be intimidate

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