Baby Diary – Preparations

January, February and half of March have vanished, and finally my head is getting back into preparation mode. This post is to help me mentally organise what I have and what I still need to get, as well as to ask advice from others who have experience with what is really necessary and what isn’t, as well as to to answer the many times asked questions of “What do you have already” often followed by “What do you still need”.

I haven’t gotten over baby shopping being daunting – I think it will feel so until I have a bub in arms and have more of a sense of him – his personality, what will work for us and what won’t, and how big he will start out (scan says “big!”).It’s also hard for me to imagine what daily life will be like. Will Zac want to be in contact most of the time, in which case having a baby bjorn even just for round the house would be important, or will he be happy to be carted from room to room in his basket? How are the cats going to act? Will they ignore him or will they constantly try and snuggle with him, or try to chase him from the house? What sort of style do I want for the nursery? Full of colour is a given and animals, especially jungle animals, seem to be getting some theme-time, but then I like some classic styles too. What sort of books will Zac like? Am I being completely foolish putting some of his great-grandparents and grandparents books in his room fro the start – they’re not in immaculate condition so I think they are meant to be in a child’s room, not an out-of-reach bookshelf, but still…

Since January I’ve slowly be stockpiling, grabbing things when on sale and utilising eBay to supplement random popping into shops, as that only happened a couple of times in the end. Zac has been receiving various presents from others as well since he reached the first milestone of 3 months. So last weekend I pulled out everything that we have so far, washed everything and catalogued it all to get an idea of where we stood preparation-wise. I am following shopping suggestions provided by Parenthood and Cosmopolitan because really, I don’t know what to get ready and I still can’t conceive just how many nappies/clothes /other things Zac may go through in a week etc etc.


  • Size 0000: 1x short-sleeved body suit, 1x long-sleeved bodysuit, 1x singlet
  • Size 000: 6x long-sleeved bodysuits, 5x short-sleeved bodysuits, 4x long-sleeved t-shirts, 2x short-sleeved t-shirts, 2x track pants, 1x denim overalls, 3pr socks
  • Size 00: 6x long-sleeved bodysuits, 5x short-sleeved bodysuits, 1x long-sleeved, short pant bodysuit, 4x long-sleeved t-shirts, 2x leggings, 2x overalls, 3x singlets, 4pr socks
  • Size 0: 1x long-sleeved bodysuit, 1x long-sleeved t-shirt, 1x fleece jacket, 1x jeans, 1x track pants, 1x short-sleeved bodysuit, 1x short-sleeved t-shirt
  • 3x bibs
  • 4pr baby socks
  • 4x muslin wraps, 1x fleece swaddle, 2x cotton swaddle
  • 3x bassinet mattress protectors
  • 1x bassinet sheet set, 1x bassinet comforter, 1x pram/bassinet cotton blanket
  • 2x cot sheet set, 1x cot comforter
  • Pram,
  • cot
  • bassinet (moses basket style)
  • bookcase
  • chest of drawers
  • car seat
  • 2x facewashers, 2x towels
  • 1 pack newborn nappies, wipes, maternity pads (about to stock up having read someone’s advice on FB)
  • Lamaze portable play mat thingy


  • Baby bath
  • 1-2 more cot sheet sets
  • 1-2 more bassinet sheet sets
  • Portable change mat
  • Burp cloths (coloured nappies)
  • 2x hats
  • 6x NB bibs (really necessary?)
  • 4 more facewashers (really necessary?)
  • Cardigan or such overlayer size 000 or 00


  • Nightlight
  • Wall decals
  • Baby Bjorn classic
  • Nappy disposal unit (maybe?)


I plan on breastfeeding, all going well. My breasts seem to have been on the feeding page, ready to go since December so I hope this is a sign of things to come. In the meantime,  do I still need to buy a breast pump and bottles? So far I’ve figured I should just wait and see to work out a) how much, if at all, I will be expressing, and b) if I can breastfeed. I just hope that by waiting, I’m not setting myself up for trouble early on. Any suggestions/comments/tales of experience would be welcome at this point…!

Apparently I should take new-born bibs to the hospital and have them ready at home. I’ve bought some bibs but didn’t see anything to indicate if they are new born bibs or not. How do you tell and how necessary are they?

Facewashers. This is going to sound silly, but what are they used for? Topping  and tailing instead of full bath? Nappy changes? Washing bub in the bath? Again, are they really necessary?

Outer pants to go over nappies – necessary when using disposable nappies?

So many questions!

How about some pictures for some colour and interest….

Lucky the Cat!


I have some pretty awesome work colleagues! They covered practical, purple, cuddly and pretty darn cool in their bundle of loot for Zac and I! There are books about a boy named Zac! How exciting is that?!?!

Jai was helping with the inventory!

Kate DevittMarch 18, 2011 - 5:24 pm

– Facewashers are for nappy changes. We used disposable for about a week and noticed a bit of nappy rash. I bought 20 cheap ones from Big W for $10 and keep a container of plain water next to the change table to dip them into.

– Buy a few extra bath mats for breastfeeding and snuggling in bed. Much easier to change a towel than a set of sheets! Plus, boobs leak so much! Especially in the early days.

– Get 10 pkts of maternity pads. I was going through them about 2-3 packs a week and need them for at least a month.

– Buy a couple of easy swaddles, e.g. Wrap-Me-Up or Swaddle Me

The easy swaddles have made our lives *so* much easier.

BekMarch 19, 2011 - 7:28 pm

My friends swears by having baby wipes and hand sanitiser, and white square shaped towels that are used as burping, feeding and spew towels.

They grow quickly, so don’t stress about having lots of one size clothing.
She had a basinet to put him, but he loved being in the Bjorn type carry thing. So its to your and the bubs preference.

Do you have a Nappy bag?
If not I could get my mum to make one for you. Not sure if she would charge or not, she is fairly easy going.
It would be made in material you choose or from a selection she has at home. My friend loves hers. it is very useful.

good luck, hugs

AlisonMarch 20, 2011 - 1:56 am

Hi Gypsy
Not sure when you are due, but if you can hold out a couple more weeks i ahve a breast pump you can have (basic manual type but could save you some dosh while you figure out what works for you) and maybe a couple of other things that could be of use that you can have for cheao or free and/or borrow.
I foudn I didn’t use bibs until they actually started solids, but then my babies never really spit up much. I know people who have used them from day 1 cause they had chucky babies. Cloth nappies are handy for *everything*, even as an improvised change mat. I got a packet of 12 when J was born and they have been inconstant use. Fashwashers, I got a pack of half dozen, yes use them for cleaning up little messes and wiping down instead of giving a full bath (newborns only need a bath every few days, or even once aweek depending upon the weather). I started using them more once the babes started solids because that’s when things get really messy. I could probably use some more as the original ones are pretty worn out now.
Don’t worry about the nappy disposal unit. Breastfed baby poop really doesn’t smell, a standard bucket with lid will do fine.

AlisonMarch 20, 2011 - 2:04 am

PS. Re breastfeeding, join your local ABA group and make some contacts before Zac is born. I still go to my weekly meetings more than 2 years later because it’s fun and you get good advice on all sorts of things (and hopefully some good friendships too). It can be really rough in the beginning, and people have all sorts of issues, (I had cracked nipples and a blocked duct once :P) but if you have help available and can get through the first rough bit it becomes sooooo much easier. Of course if you ge tsome good advice before you even begin that further reduces the chance of you have *any* problems at all, which is the ideal.
I have a baby sling you can borrow indefinitely. Not sure what hats and clothes I have as they are all packed up for the move now, but undoubtedly some stuff I can pass on too.

gypsyamberMarch 21, 2011 - 4:50 pm

I hadn’t even thought of joining a local group before Zac is born. Great idea. One of the best hospital course we did was the one on breastfeeding – really useful and informative.
Is your sling an over-one-shoulder deal? I’m going for a baby bjorn because I can’t carry one shouldered bags (ie messenger bags) – mucks up my shoulders too much and stimulates headaches. A friend also sent me some fabric which gets wrapped around shoulders, body and hips in a fashion which I’m hoping will work for me.

gypsyamberMarch 21, 2011 - 4:55 pm

Hi Alison,
I’m due April 20 so still have time yet. I would love to borrow, or buy the manual breast pump from you – that has been my main query: do I get the electric pump assuming that I will be expressing a lot, or do I try a manual first and possibly end up still paying for an electric one down the track. So hard to know these things. My mantra has been “the shops will still be there after Zac is born” If I decide I do need additional items, I can get them or ask my wonderful husband to get them.
I had been wondering about the nappy disposal unit and thinking there’s probably more important things at this time.
I had heard cloth nappies are awesome to have around for cleaning up things or draping over shoulders to reduce droolage on our clothes! Am thinking of getting a pack from Bright Bots so i can still have my colour fix! Looks like I will get some facewashers as well.
Thanks for all your tips 🙂

gypsyamberMarch 21, 2011 - 4:59 pm

Hand sanitiser sounds like a great thing to have with the baby wipes! I’ve been told that cloth nappies make great general all purpose burping/feeding/vomit towels so think I will get some.
I’ve been randomly buying different sizes of clothing – basically what is on sale and erring towards larger being better.

I have a backpack which I will convert into a nappy bag. I’ve used it when going away for a night or two, so think it will hold all the necessary supplies for going out and it is very comfy to wear. Thank you for the offer though 🙂

gypsyamberMarch 21, 2011 - 5:09 pm

Okay – seems jury is in on face-washers being a Very Useful Item TM. I shall go forth and procure some!
I shall also get more bathmats – I already know how messy sheets can get from leakage, so I can imagine how much worse it could get when the milk actually comes in and I’ve baby as well.
Ditto the maternity pads – I’ve packed one packet into my hospital bag and shall ensure to be stocked up with more. Ugh. That part I am not looking forward to at all.
Ah! I have two of the wrap me up swaddles and one of the swaddle me wraps – glad to hear they were a good purchase. I forgot to mention them in my list of haves, I think because I was embarrassed and not entirely sure if they were good or just gimmicky. I haven’t packed any for the hospital either, again I feel like I should know how to swaddle a baby properly before taking the easy route! Maybe I’ll just pack that embarrassment away now!

AlisonMarch 21, 2011 - 10:17 pm

The sling can be worn a few different ways, although I never worked out how to do anything other than over one shoulder on one side. It is well padded and seems to have fairly good weight distribution (I think the manufacturors are fairly conscious of those sorts of things), but hey, feel free to try it out and reject it if it’s not what you need. I do also have a Baby Bjorn which I use occasionally as young miss hasn’t quite outgrown it yet, and I haven’t decided yet whether to sell it or hold on to it for a while longer just in case, Primarily I use the Ergo which is designed for older and heavier babies (can’t use it when they are really small). The Ergo can also be worn various ways but primarily has two shoulder straps and waist strap to distribute weight and can be worn with baby in front or back. If nothing else I can come over some time (after babe is born) for you to try them out and figure out which one/s you like the feel of. I found trying to practice with slings before the baby was born was completely hopeless. Dolls just aren’t the same as babies and trying to navigate around the bump was hopeless.
You can have the breast pump for nix, no probs. I had J in childcare 2 days a week and found the manual pump was fine. It will totally depend upon what age you start leaving him to be babysat, and how frequently as to whether you might find you need an electric pump. Electric ones are also available for hire from the ABA which again gives you the option to try before you buy, cos they get quite expensive.
Looking forward to meeting little Zac 🙂

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