
Master Z just woke up one day and starting going down slides, forward facing on his bottom. It just happened. One day he was sliding down on his tummy feet-first, the next he’d worked out how to sit at the top of the slide and go down.


I think I’ll go down forward-facing today



Got one leg around….


Have to get the other leg in front


hmmm.. a bit stuck


Looking good


Just push you say?



The actual going down the slide requires a mummy to hold out hands ready to catch him, hence no more photos!

Wear and tear

So much for my mummiform. Neither denim jeans nor 10 ounce “hard yakka” pants are up to life with a toddler. Sigh. Time to investigate the world of patches. I am not going to replace my jeans every six months!


On ya bike!


Months ago we bought a bike trailer but it’s taken me a long time to feel comfortable with using it, both the logistics of putting it together/attaching it to my bike and my concern regarding Master Z – he’s so low, his head wobbled alarmingly (for me) when riding it, helmut or no helmut, at what stage of development is it safe to use etc. I received a lot of conflicting advice about the ideal time to start. Some people start from when their bubs age is measured in weeks, some professionals recommend waiting until the child has solid neck control, or is walking and therefore has more developed core muscles. Eventually I came down in the side of “We’ll do it when I feel comfortable with it”
R has been extremely patient – we could almost do a comic strip timeline of the months since purchasing it, “Can we use it now?””How ’bout now?”, “We should be fine now, right?”. There were periodic trials, after which I would decide that I still wasn’t comfortable wit it, his head still wobbled too much.
A large part of my caution is because bike trailers haven’t been around that long, so we don’t really know yet what kind of effects it may have on neck development down the line. I think that different parents have different things that concern them. R isn’t comfortable with Master Z eating sand/dirt/wood chips, and I, well, there a lots if things which I am not comfortable with or which concern me and feet, neck and spine come under the heading of “Things which I possibly get paranoid about, but I’m not going to change that paranoia yet”. This is completely different from the category of things which I’m uncomfortable with, but will suck up a little personal “ick” factor because it is something which is not a real risk, in my mind.
Anyway, I digressed. Bike trailer! A couple of days ago I decided that Master Z and I were going on a ride. So we did! It took nearly 3/4 hour to leave the house – trying to drag the carrier out of the house with a littlie saying “Up peez” and trying to climb in, is not a quick or easy task. I was determined though, and we made it out. We did it again yesterday, and this morning. I’m finessing what we need, getting quicker at getting ready to go and R is bringing home my hardware requests, such as a length of chain and lock so we can keep the trailer locked up outside so I don’t have to drag it from the study every day.
Of course, the trusty iPhone has been there to capture these moments:


Finally, back on my bike. Now with littlie in tow!



Master Z is very happy with his new ride



Happy travellers



Master Z was very relieved to finally reach our lunch destination on Sunday



Awkward to find places to lock up bike and trailer, but also awkward to steal if bike and trailer are locked together.


After playground and shopping ran over his normal naptime, it took about ten seconds for Master Z to fall asleep on the way home.

The trailer fits neatly on our verandah


As for the helmet debate, well as the photos show we finally decided no helmet. The whole trailer is a roll cage, he is in a five-point harness and the trailer is on an articulated arm so that even if I fell over on my bike, the trailer won’t tip. I am not a speedy rider, we will only be riding on bike paths, with the exception of one or two local, very quiet roads so the likelihood of tipping the trailer is very slim.

We did try a helmet initially, but frankly I was more concerned about him having the helmet on than off. The trailer doesn’t seem built for use with a helmet. The back of the trailer pushed the helmet forward, thus obscuring Master Z’s sight and pushing his head forwards. With his head pushed forwards, the helmet strap was positioned across his neck in a way that I felt was more dangerous than doing without the helmet.

I tried to find out if there a regulations regarding helmets use in trailers, but couldn’t find much at all. I have been peering into all trailers that I’ve passed for months now, trying to determine if people generally use helmets or don’t. It seems to be a mix. We tried propping him forward with a cushion, as suggested by someone in a bike shop, but that compromised the effectiveness of the harness, and was extremely awkward and uncomfortable-looking.

Obviously, the helmet will come into its own when Master Z gets a learner bike, which is good because it is so cute!!!



We watched “I don’t know how she does it” a couple of months ago and one of the many aspects which I identified with was the mum’s need for lists, the never-ending lists of things to do.
I’ve kept a list going on our fridge for about a year now because the only thing more frustrating than not having the time and the headspace to get stuff done is having the time and headspace but completely forgetting that you still need to do “blah”.


This is the second, and third list from which not much has been ticked off. The astute may even notice that the item “birth announcements” remains unticked. It does seem a bit redundant to send them out now, I’m sure that nearly everyone knows that Master Zac was born almost a year and a half ago! (except some Japanese friends – see another item on The List!)
But they were so gorgeous. How was I to know that Master Z would give me no break until he decided at ten months that napping might be fun. Or that even once he started napping, nights would still be hard and so I would be napping with him more often than not during the day. So pretty though….I had been so organised that I’d gone online and picked the design that I liked before Master Z was born. I knew I wouldn’t have time to make my own from scratch and I wanted them sent out within the first three months. Ha ha ha! I know there are women out there who manage such an extraordinary feat, but I was not one of them. Next time I’ll listen to R and send an email.



Then there are the “thank you”s to write for the lovely cards and thoughtful gestures that people gave when Mum passed away. Ideally when I write them I will be able to tell people that a memorial plaque has been placed so that her place in the cemetery can be found. Where one item on The List is actually two.



But what I started on today was sorting out artwork from Mum’s place. Once I’ve cleaned up all the paintings and sorted out what’s what, I will start contacting art auction houses to arrange for their sale and another task will be done. It’s a pity I don’t know more about them, especially the unsigned water colours. Ah well.


Whilst I may be largely confined to home for Zac’s nap schedule for the time being, I have no shortage of things to do and I’m enjoying having the breaks during the day in which these things can be tackled.

Sleep Training Pt 6 – Almost two weeks post-sleep school

We are still in “lock-down” mode – ensuring that Master Z is having all his naps in his own cot, following the routine fairly strictly:

  • re-settle every 10 minutes during the day naps, 20 minutes during the night.
  • he must stay in the cot for one and half to two hours for daytime naps. If he sleeps for more than one and a half hours, he can get up when he wakes, however if he sleeps for less than one and a half hours, he must stay in the cot for the full two hours, with me re-settling.
  • the room must be as close to pitch-black as possible.
  • I must be boring and consistent. Boring and consistent. Boring and consistent. This is my mantra currently!

The actual settling process consist of:

  • Laying him down, if he’s standing or sitting. If he stands/sits back up, lay him down again. Do this three times, and if he stands/sits up a fourth time, leave the room.
  • Sssshhhhh-ing him, mostly if he is grizzling a lot
  • Rolling him on his side, facing away
  • Tucking the sheet in tightly
  • Patting him with cupped hands on his bottom and shoulder alternately, firm and fast. Count roughly to 100.
  • Slowing down the patting to a medium speed and lighter pressure. Count roughly to 100.
  • Resting one hand on his shoulder and continuing to pat just his bottom, slowly and gently. Count roughly to 30.
  • Removing the hand from the shoulder and continuing the slow, gentle pat on his bottom. Count roughly to 20.
  • Leaving the room

A key point being that once you move on to the next step of the settling process, you cannot go back to an earlier step. The counting is a bit out – I remember a reference to 100-100-50, which doesn’t match with my memory of four stages. My notes are still in the bag that I haven’t unpacked. I really should pull them out and re-read them while I’ve got any hope of deciphering their meaning and order!

He is no longer upset at being put in the cot, even for the afternoon “nap”. He settles easily at night, going down at 7pm most nights. His waking time has been varying a bit, a few mornings of 5-5:15 wake-ups, a few mornings of 5:45 – 6 wake ups. I don’t think we’ve had a blissful post-6:30 morning since the astounding 7:15 morning. I worry a bit that he’s going back to the early mornings, and I really don’t enjoy going through the re-settling process every 20 minutes. It basically means that I am awake from that time on. Funny how quickly you can get used to normal. two months ago, I would have been so excited at the idea of a 5am wake-up! But my body has adjusted quickly and claimed back it’s preferred bedtime of 9:30-10pm each night, which means I really want that extra hour and a half before 6:30.

Morning naps are going well. I’m trying to eek them out a bit later, 10am instead of 9:30am, but 10am is the absolute latest that he can go, unless he’s had one of those crazy 7:15am starts. He fairly consistently sleeps one and half hours in the morning, often self-settling after 45minutes or so.

The afternoon naps are all over the place, ranging from just two hours of “grizzling”, to 30, 40, 60 minutes of sleep and the rest of the time spent grizzling. And my favourite: three times now he has fallen asleep after my last re-settle, almost exactly at the two hour mark, and has slept so soundly that come dinnertime we’ve been unable to wake him. To prevent this being an issue, I stopped trying to eek out the timing of the afternoon nap, instead putting him down right on the three hour mark (having been up for three hours), but tonight even that didn’t work. He finally fell asleep at 4:45pm. No problem I thought. These naps tend to be just one hour so he’ll be awake in time for dinner. Nah-uh. A nice hour and half sleep, possibly more, thank you very much. I even got out my DSLR to take photos – something I wouldn’t normally do for fear of the shutter waking him up.


As for the benefits of the sleep, well! This week I’ve had so many people tell me that I’m looking really well. I haven’t succumbed to the bug that R currently has. I’m starting to think about photo projects again. I went out last night and for the first time wasn’t worrying the whole time that Master Z was going to have one of those random “I won’t sleep until 9pm” nights, or that R would be in re-settling him multiple times while I was out. I also wasn’t hounded by the knowledge that every minute spent out after a certain time was a minute of sleep that I wouldn’t be getting that night. Or by the worry that the night would be one of the really bad ones and that I should actually have gone to bed at 7:30, just to make sure that I got in a block of three hours sleep. I also feel a freedom with planning for future evening engagements. I don’t feel the need to spread them weeks and weeks apart, because there’s just no recovery from them.

I am no longer feeling overwhelmed by everything. I managed to buy ingredients *and* cook dinner tonight. Unheard of! Just thinking about how different I feel and how different my life is now to a month ago, and I get a flutter of excitement in my stomach.

Life is good, y’all!!!!!

And I have so much more love for my beautiful son. So much more.

For Master Z too, the sleep has been great. Quite apart from now having a much more engaged mummy, he is able to concentrate better on things. His coordination is improving rapidly, his language skills are leaping forth, he has so much more energy, he is more affectionate, more expressive.

We’re both different people. Much better people.

Ah sleep. Sleep. You do work wonders.


This post was brought to you by rainbows and kittens, singing angels and sleep.

KateSeptember 6, 2012 - 3:29 pm

Fabbo update. I love the mantra of ‘boring and consistent’.

Re: day naps. Does he need two naps now? We transitioned from 2 to 1 nap between 12-15months and it was very good for both 7pm bedtimes and 6am + wake-ups. Basically we pushed the morning nap forward by teeny increments every day from 9am until we go to 11am and then finally midday. The midday nap can last anywhere from 45min-2.5hrs depending on what we’ve been up to. The solid 12hrs overnight means we had less need for multiple naps during the day. Just a thought if you’re wondering how to deal with odd afternoon unsettled behaviour.

gypsyamberSeptember 9, 2012 - 1:16 pm

Both the sleep consultant and Masada said that he still needed two naps until around 18mths old. He had been on one nap a day since Singapore, but then looking back that’s where nights started getting really bad again. The less sleep = less sleep deal really kicked in.
The recommendation from Masada is that once he is regularly sleeping in until 6-6:30 each morning, and starts showing tired signs later in the morning, and extending his morning naps, then he is ready to transition. It may be a morning nap and a catnap for a while, then just one 2-3hour long nap. I think that with the build-up of sleep, he is slowly getting there, but, for example yesterday he didn’t get an afternoon nap, and I only left him for an hour instead of two before getting him up. He was really overtired last night, and woke up at 5:20 this morning, whereas the past couple of days he’s been waking up around 5:45-6.
I am trying to push the morning naptimes forward and we’re currently at 10am for naptime. He is also sleeping longer, around 1 3/4 hours – today he’s nearly reached two hours. I’m just feeling my way with the afternoon naps right now, and basing things very much on how the morning nap is going. Not exactly sure what tactic I am going to take with them other than being fluid currently. Even with an afternoon nap, he is good for a 7pm bedtime. He does seem to enjoy the afternoon down time as well.

M o r e   i n f o