Playground Antics

Today, rather than going directly to the beach, we decided to explore some of Pt Lonsdale.
We espied a playground down the road and across a field….


We found a path to take us there


Flying Fox!!!


….is not made for adults.


Zac is dubious about his parents’ antics.


He had his own bit to conquer..



One very happy and proud boy able to navigate a curved bridge!

One tuckered out little boy.


Kate DevittAugust 18, 2012 - 10:23 pm

Love that pic of you Amber! 😀

Jotting – Master Z development

Two nights in a row, when we’ve asked if Zac has had enough dinner or wants more food, he has pointed at the fridge and said “wazat” (assuming it means “want that” in this context). Last night when I opened the fridge he asked for “gert” (yoghurt). Tonight he asked for grapes – I can’t remember how he said it, but it was decipherable in combination with his pointing finger.
It blows my mind that he now had the ability to express that he wants more food and to express a preference for what type of food. Also the idea that he is remembering what is in the fridge each day – I suspect that he notices the things he knows and likes, rather than the entire contents of the fridge.

Sleep Training pt 3

Night and day 5: Turning point – I cannot put enough emphasis on the PHEW. Each night has been better, little by little. Night 4 I had the best night’s sleep I’ve had since being about 10 weeks pregnant. No cramps, no bladder demands, no feed, no resettles, no cats waking me up – I slept solidly from 10pm to 5:17am. Extraordinary! Not one, not ONE wake-up in all that time. I woke up feeling lousy – the unfair side-effect of finally getting decent sleep is that your body then pulls out some problems that it’s just been keeping shelved until it had enough to sleep to bring them out and get a proper look!  I also felt the start of tension leaving my body, an infinitesimal lightening of my shoulders and spirit as for the first time I could see progress. 

Last night there was a stir and couple of minutes of crying about 9:30pm, then nothing until 5:47am. Sadly the cats were not so cooperative last night, so I got woken up several times between the hours of 12 and 4.

 Today, Master Z has been very happy, despite having contracted hand, foot and mouth disease. He is so alert, taking things in, wanting to learn more and chatting even more. We are definitely noticing a difference in his development and cognitive abilities since getting more sleep. 

Tonight, he was in total snuggle mode after his bath. Snuggling his daddy, me, his teddy, his sleeping bag. When I put him in the cot, he cuddled up to both his cot companions (Lucky and Big Nutbrown Hare/Ralf Rabbit) and looked contented. So, so good to see him so happy and loving.Yay. Now, not only do I see and feel progress in the overnight sleeping patterns, but I also can see that what I thought we’d broken is returning as he gets used to the new way of things. 

Huge, huge relief.

Now, to let all my stress and tension over this week unwind – it feels like it might take a few more days for me to get over this whole process! 

New Words!

Time for some upbeat stuff. Master Z has added more words to his vocabulary, in particular “boop”. and the new phrase “up boop”, meaning “Pick me up, sit me on your lap and read me a book”. Wow, children sure know how to condense a concept into the bare minimum! 

He also says “soos” and “cheez”, which has now surpassed zucchini as his favourite food. His tendency for words to multi-task continues.


soos = shoes, socks, clothes in general

cheez – cheese, food

up (which started as ut) = up, down, out, in. Basically the opposite of where he is situated at the time 

up peez = up/down/out/in please, upsy (from upsy daisy)

aro = hello, goodbye

tata = goodbye (maybe…still new and still trying to hear what he is saying)

boop/boof = book, bath. This is very new so not sure yet if book and bath will meld (it seems likely) or if he will keep them separate.

M o r e   i n f o