Jottings – Feb 18-24 2012

Saturday 18 February 2012
12:11 PM Zac: you have a cold today. It started yesterday and got worse last night. You look so sad and stuffed up. You’re still pretty active, but giggles are very hard to come by and you keep squeezing your eyes shut, which makes me think that your head is hurting. My poor boy. I so wish I could make it better. Or at least snuggle you lots; unfortunately if you’re up with me, your body is saying “Must. Do. Stuff.” and you keep going, with regular stops to lie on the floor (very unlike you)

Monday 20 February 2012
6:54 PM Zac, so many ways, on so many things, so many times every day you bump your head.

Tuesday 21 February 2012
4:08 PM It is virtually impossible to talk to anyone dealing with deceased estates. E*Trade was a nightmare as their deceased estates department had *no* customer facing staff. ANZ were almost as frustrating last year but they may be able to beat E*Trade for unattainable help. Two phone numbers, two cold transfers and an answering machine later, I have been unable to speak with anyone. ….and that’s my 30min stint for today. Time to take Zac outside for some fresh air and grass nomming. Will try again when I next remember that I need to track down this info.

7:00 PM Some days I feel like my body is permanently broken post-pregnancy. I was prepared for the talked-about stuff, the saggy breasts, floppy tummy, stretch marks and I was okay with that, mostly. But the stuff no-one talks about, that I wasn’t prepared for. I’m so over my arm brace and elbow brace, missing Pilates for several weeks leads to a recurrence of pelvic pain and now my ankle and feet are hurting when I run – where did *that* come from???
I know that I am moving forward physically but some days the backwards steps take me by surprise with a good wallop. These days I can hardly believe that I will go through it all again. I don’t want to be pregnant again but I want a sibling for Zac; and time for me to get off the pity wagon because I know that we’re incredibly blessed and lucky to be able to have this choice.

Wednesday 22 February 2012
9:09 AM It is a glorious day today, blue skies, warm sunshine, a day that lifts the spirits. Suddenly  everything is okay again. Could also be something to do with Zac only waking once, ONCE, during the night AND sleeping til 6:40ish. Heaven! (I did wake a couple of times and check his breathing though – it was just such a change!)

Morning Walk

9:12 AM It is starting to be a game: what will we find outside the cat flap today! Zac lives putting things through the cat flap. So far we’ve encountered toys, balls, a bottle (honest Mummy, I finished all my milk see, not even a bottle left!). This morning’s efforts appear to be all the doorstops from the house. This made me laugh coming home.

Doorstops far away from their homes

By the end of the day, the collection had grown….

A growing collection


Friday 24 February 2012
9:42 PM Zac is getting better at pulling himself up and twice today he stood up whilst only holding onto me with one hand. He also discovered the inclined concrete and two steps at Dad’s shop. He kept going back to them and practising crawling up and down the incline and steps.


Jottings – Feb 6-16 2012

I’ve learnt how to include photos! They are just from my phone, and I am not proficient at editing them in phone so they are not the best quality. They are just simple snapshots – my “polaroids”!


EDIT: Sorry – I should have put it all behind a cut!! I was forgetting my LJ Blog ettiquette!

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artforgodFebruary 19, 2012 - 7:02 pm

Beuatiful photos – and enjoyed reading about Zac’s adventures!

gypsyamberFebruary 21, 2012 - 3:43 pm

Thank you.
I don’t recognise your username…do we know each other IRL?

Jottings – Jan 17-Feb 5 2012

I have a big, big post to post…when I finish it and maybe chop it into two posts so, sometime in June perhaps it’ll be up!

It amazes me how much I am forgetting of Zac’s first few months – I have heard people say it over and over but I just didn’t get it. I still don’t get it, but it is happening. So I downloaded an app called “Momento” which is designed for jotting down moments in a day. I love it. A couple of minutes and I have a moment recorded, ready to export to a text file, and copy and paste here. Which is what these “jottings” posts will be.

Hopefully I can update this blog with the jottings each week, but of course, to start, I have more than a week’s worth. At the moment I am mostly concerned with getting it recorded, so there will be no prettying it up – this is straight from the text file straight from my phone straight from my tired, tired brain! I’m still deciding whether to write them all addressed to Zac, or about Zac, so there’s been a bit of futzing with style. Heck I may get adventurous and include some non-Zac related stuff to. It’s a work-in-progress.


Tuesday 17 January 2012

9:38 PM Zac started clapping today! He also did a non-commando, not quite proper crawl today. He’s expressing frustration now – by yelling and screaming and going red on the face. He looks so unhappy. For the past couple of days we’ve thought it might be tooth pain related but tonight I think it is him being frustrated and not knowing what to do about it.


Wednesday 18 January 2012

5:11 PM To Zac: you have a special excited squeal for when you see our cats, or other animals. Even if we can’t see them we always know from your reaction when they’re about!

Thursday 19 January 2012

9:04 PM Zac: you started imaginative play today, or at least I think you did. In the bath, after you pulled all the toys into the bath, you took one of the splodge toys and ran it up and along the wall. Your expression was different from the usual “working things out” expression

9:07 PM Zac: three words most often used in reference to you; beautiful, alert and happy. “He’s such a beautiful boy” “he’s SO alert” “He’s such a happy baby” I find the alert comment most interesting

9:10 PM Zac: today on the tram, a lady asked what nationality you are. I replied “Australian” and she was surprised. She said that you look so German. She then asked if you were my baby!


Thursday 26 January 2012

8:55 PM Zac: you love standing in the bath. And now when you want to get out, you will turn to face me, crawl onto my lap and use that as a launching pad to try and haul yourself out of the bath!
You are also becoming more and more wriggly when I’m changing you. Today we had a big scare where you fell off the change table. Thankfully Daddy’s reflexes are quick and he caught you before you hit the floor, but that is my cue to start changing you in the floor. I don’t have as good reflexes and my arm brace affects my grip.
You have learned your lesson from last weeks unfortunate vomit incident (you slipped whilst playing in vomit and banged your head on the floor, earning your first forehead bruise) and now you don’t instantly put your hands in any vomit. This makes clean up a lot easier!


Monday 30 January 2012

12:41 PM Zac: you’re enjoying eating corn kernels with your fingers

Corn kernals - yum yum yum!


Sunday 5 February 2012

2:28 PM To Zac: Last night in the bath you started experimenting with putting your face in the water. You started with just your mouth, tasting the bath. It was like you just made the connection that the liquid you sit in every night is the same as the liquid you drink during the day! You eventually put your nose in as well, which caused some spluttering and sniffing. I’ll be interested to see if you continue the exploration tonight!

2:31 PM We rearranged Zac’s room today and it works so much better. I realise now that there is no perfect arrangement for his room, or indeed the whole house. It is a constant process of adjustments being made to where we are at right now. I like the subtle flow of change; things stay consistent enough to satisfy my side that likes order and knowing where things are, with enough change thrown in to prevent me from feeling stagnant

9:30 PM To Zac: you continued your bath explorations tonight. After spending some time putting your open mouth, and sometimes your nose, in the water, you started to experiment with lying back in the water. You enjoyed this and repeated it many times, your smile the same as when I blow gently on your face: a smile of enjoyment, of a new physical sensation.



KateFebruary 7, 2012 - 9:17 am

Lovely moments captured. Keep them up! 🙂

artforgodFebruary 7, 2012 - 6:01 pm

These are lovely experiences(anda lovely little boy) to treasure

January 20 – Anniversary

It is a strange thing to mourn someone, yet know that even if they were alive today, you still wouldn’t have them. To have my Mum back, the Mum I adored when I was growing up, the Mum that I want to talk to and ask questions of, I would need a time machine to take me back to the days pre-alcohol.

A year ago today, Rafe and I returned home from our evening walk to find a police car parked outside our house. It was about 8:45pm. They asked for me and I wondered why police would be asking for me. They asked for us to go inside and said it was regarding Dorothy Tinney. I instantly felt sick and knew it was something bad, but even so, it was still a shock when they told me that she had passed away, and had been found dead in her bed that morning.  A friend had been worried as Mum had not returned her calls for a few days; she went to Mum’s house, sensed something was wrong, broke in and found Mum.

We did not receive the coroner’s report until mid-year – the verdict was that she died of an enlarged heart, most likely due to alcohol abuse. Her doctor had been telling her for years to get her heart checked. I had tried getting her to get it checked. She had an appointment for heart monitoring the following week. The coroner’s report was grisly; I am both so relieved to have not seen her (I was not allowed to view the body and at the time of her death there was speculation that the coroner’s office would require me to take a DNA test in order for them to positively identify her. It was decided though that they could accept circumstantial evidence as to her identity), and I feel so much for the woman who did find her. I imagine she will have nightmares for years.

The official date of death is the date she was found, January 20th, 2010, however we do not know for sure the exact day she died. The last we could pinpoint someone having spoken with her was January 15th, the Saturday before.

The next day we went down to her house and started the long process of packing up her life. I had not spoken to Mum in 2 years and 2 months. The picture of those two years of her life, painted by her friends and the contents of her house, was very dark. A couple of months earlier she’d been discharged from the hospital, with notes that she was suffering from alcohol-induced dementia.

I have known for many years that the alcohol would kill her, either from the toll on her body or an accident happening whilst she was drunk. I just never knew when – whether it would be within a couple of years or whether she would be one of those people who just continue on and on despite all odds. Alcoholism is such an insidious disease. It is so easily ignored, brushed away, denied. It destroys lives but first it destroys relationships and everyone around the alcoholic. We live in a society where people don’t want to think of anyone they know as an alcoholic because then they may just have to look at how much and how often they drink too.

I am not a teetotaller, I enjoy my cocktails, the odd port or wine but I am careful and these days I drink rarely. I don’t think I have that part inside that gets addicted to alcohol but I am never going to take that chance either.

I miss my Mum. I miss the lifestyle I remember from my childhood. I really miss having someone around who has known me my whole life. Known me on a daily basis. I have so many questions about my upbringing and no-one can answer them for me. I miss the Mum that I could confide in. I wish I could share Zac with my Mum from my childhood. However, I missed all this before she died. I lost my Mum long ago, it just hadn’t been finalised.

I visited her grave today. She had a corner spot in a memorial garden. I’ve yet to organise a plaque or any kind of monument, but I have the words and now I have some additional ideas. The grave had not been touched since we buried her ashes last year, There was still the hollow indent where there wasn’t quite enough dirt. The pebbles were still very unevenly scattered. I like that it has just been left. I like that it is a peaceful, out-of-the-way cemetery. Nearby graves had personal items such as dragon crystal balls, lego pieces, photographs. I like the feeling that whatever I decide to put there, no-one will mess with.

Mum was always adamant that she wanted to be buried somewhere so that I could come and visit her grave. I never understood the sentiment. I’ve only visited my grandparents’ graves once or twice, with family. It never really struck me as something that I would do. But now I understand. I’m glad to have a place to visit, somewhere to go that is a place dedicated to her memory.

So you’ll know where to find me next January 20. I’ll be at the Bellbrae Cemetery, visiting memories of Mum.


KillingJanuary 21, 2012 - 9:03 am

I made a paper crane for you yesterday

ChesJanuary 21, 2012 - 11:28 am

This made me cry.

Love and miss you, dear gypsycat. *hugs, smooches*

gypsyamberJanuary 21, 2012 - 9:10 pm

Thank you. *hugs*

gypsyamberJanuary 21, 2012 - 9:10 pm

Love and miss you too. Oxo

Nat JJanuary 21, 2012 - 10:50 pm

You are amazingly articulate about such complex emotions.

ChristinaJanuary 22, 2012 - 4:11 am

Sending you love and hugs. Dreamt about you last night – it was so nice to see you, even if virtual.

AlisonJanuary 22, 2012 - 11:47 pm

Thank you for sharing your story and feelings. I am so sorry you had to go through this (especially during such a lifechanging time already), but glad that you have Rafe there to cuddle.

I have a friend who is an alcoholic. She drinks more at some times than at others but it is always a constant in her life. She denies she is an alcoholic, despite the drink driving ticket, and despite a few friends telling her that she is drinking at unacceptable levels and should give it up. Although she is drinking a bit less now than a couple of years ago, it would be best if she gave it up altogether, however, she is in that place of it being ‘her business’ and the rest of us should all just ‘butt out’. And so, unfortunately, we do, and we wait and we hope for the day when she decides for herself to give it up or get some help.

Missing: One Social Mojo

My social mojo is missing in action. Or inaction, as the case may be. It has fallen before the physical, emotional and mental onslaught that came with the territory of having a baby. There is no one contributing factor, rather a variety of things combine to make me the earliest pumpkiniser that ever pumpkinned.

I lack the clarity of thought that comes with regular, quality sleep so struggle to participate in conversations in any meaningful way. My days and nights are almost exclusively about my baby, resulting in a limited topic range. If there’s a conversation about lack of sleep, teething issues, crying, or crawling progress I can hold my own. In between yawns and mind blanks. Move the topic to something else, work, politics, religion or sex and I’m lost at sea. I do listen to the radio each day, and I hear the news that is happening in the world, but listening to something and formulating opinions about something so you can talk about it, are two entirely different things!

It is hard for any event to compete with the prospect of sleep; and especially difficult for anything to take me away from sleep, and sleep away from me. I want to stay late, to enjoy wonderful company, drink wine and sample the adult world again; I see other mums doing that and marvel at how they survive. How do they stay up late and not have a meltdown the following day. Or maybe they do but they feel it’s worth it. Who knows.

Since Zac was born, we’ve gone to two weddings, a midwinter gathering, and a mortgage commitment ceremony/party. We’ve also not attended a family 40th and our goddaughter’s first birthday party. It seems 2011 is a year of major changes and celebrations in the lives of many who we hold dear. We have celebrated these events with our friends, briefly; returning home to our castle (figuratively speaking – could you imagine how much a real castle would cost in the inner city?!) usually by 9 at the very latest. Receptions are something that everyone else attends. The two weddings were lovely, and not too overwhelming. Not knowing many people at a social occasion really reduces the amount of social mojo required. However midwinter and the mortgage party were events within our community, our circle. Lots of people we know. Apparently everyone else has been sprogging too, because suddenly there are lots of children and babies around and it can be quite overwhelming.

…….  There was more to write, but now over a month has gone by since I started this post, so time to just post it!




P_catDecember 15, 2011 - 5:36 pm

Oh, I could have written this myself! Except we have gone out a lot more, and stayed out a lot later – mostly because K is a social beast and insists. He can’t understand that I don’t really have the energy to go out, and doesn’t want to stop going out just because I don’t feel like it, so I keep getting stuck at home looking after the baby into the evening, after he’s been out at work all day. He’s off at a Christmas drinks evening tonight while I’m at home with mastitis! I feel comfortable that we haven’t missed too many important gatherings but it does frustrate me that it takes so much work and is so exhausting – I had to spend one wedding breastfeeding A on a toilet floor in an attempt to keep him quiet so that he wouldn’t disrupt what was obviously a very expensive event (in a very echoey building!).

I had planned to express enough so that K could take A home early from Midsummer so that I could stay on, but I’m on penicillin and bedrest at the moment – I doubt I’ll stay much more than an hour or so, which is really disappointing. I hope to see you there, if briefly, and promise to give you the chance to talk all about your current specialist topics 🙂 We might need to find somewhere away from the millions of babies, though – they’re too scary! x

AlisonDecember 15, 2011 - 11:45 pm

Heh, a post I very easily could have written myself … if I weren’t so sleep-deprived, and time poor. Not to forget the time poor.

M o r e   i n f o