oooohhhh *groan* Is she alive?


Yup, I’m alive, just. Somewhere between being drunk and getting hungover. The space which is best spent sleeping in blissful oblivion. Not best spent teaching students and being at school way too early…especially when world still spinning.

Last night was worth it though. Takoyaki/okonomiyaki night turned into quite the party. We went through 5 packets of takoyaki flour. Last time I did a takoyaki night we didn’t finish one packet. These were dedicated takoyaki fiends. All sort of ingrediants materialised: wieners, lotus root, cheese, shiso, mochi, the hashioki which was lyng around. Okay, no, no hashioki were put in the takoyaki, but just about anything else was. Then we made dessert takoyaki…hot cake mix with chocolate and cream. Yummy. I managed not to make even one takoyaki. How good a hostess am I?!! I did make some okonomiyaki…best failure I’ve had in years. I got carried away with the nagaimo..c’mon, anyone who’s grated one of those things, tell me it doesn’t remind you of something else 😉 I cannot keep a straight face when grating them. (FYI: Nagaimo – long potato – is a key ingredient in okonomiyaki but unavailable in oz…otherwise I would’ve intro’d everyone to the wonders of this vegetable. It’s long and has diametre usually just a big more than my hand can wrap around, and when you grate it, it turns into this white, gooey, sticky substance which is uncanny in it’s resemblence -look and feel- to something else entirely *grins from the gutter*
Anyway, I put too much nagaimo in so mixture was too gooey…it almost had to be spooned from the hotplate *laughs* still tasted good though.

Said goodbye to the last person at 7:30 this morning! Did get some sleep…the last few left Hide on my couch, snoring impressively, at 3ish. So much for the idea that doing it on a weeknight would mean a not stupidly late night!

Much alcomahol was consumed, much food eaten and there’s only a small mess for me to clean tonight…that’s the other thing I like about Kazuki, Kazumi and the rest of that crew – they always pitch in and clean up after stuff. The first toga party I had, the night I first met Kazuki, he was there until morning, and cleaned up a lot of stuff while everyone was crashed out. Very cool!

Going to stare at nothing for a while now and try to ignore the head spinning and stomach rolling.

AnonymousNovember 11, 2004 - 2:28 pm

Hmmm… Shiso

and cheese Takoyaki….

Nat dribbles on the keyboard.

gypsyamberNovember 11, 2004 - 10:01 pm

Re: Hmmm… Shiso

the lotus root was pretty good too 🙂

kitlingNovember 22, 2004 - 4:39 am

what is Takoyaki?

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