Jottings – March 13-23, 2012

Tuesday 13 March 2012
5:21 PM Happy kitties enjoying the heat and the wild garden


Wednesday 14 March 2012
8:38 AM We have a new place for storing the pram – it  doubles as a guard for the amp!

Prams park here.

8:44 AM Zac has a new habit of grinding his teeth together. It’s like being followed around by someone holding a blackboard and sporting very long fingernails which they use randomly throughout the day. *wince* It also causes him to set his jaw slightly off centre, making some of his smiles pretty crooked.

8:48 AM I’m thinking about getting one last tattoo. I never had a number in mind, but since having Zac I suddenly understand why so many parents are against them. Zac is so perfect as he is that I hate the idea of anything permanently marring his skin. A bit of an awkward backflip given that I love tattoos and have them myself. I won’t forbid him but if he does want one, I will do my best to help him get one that he won’t regret (ie. don’t get one too young, go to a good artist etc). Secretly though I hope his is like his father and just not interested.
That all said, I am thinking of one more, somehow made up of three components to represent Rafe, Zac and Zac’s planned sibling. Rafe’s will be his cat, Zac’s will be a possum and who knows what the third component will be. The alternative is to find someone who could custom make charms for my charm bracelet…


Friday 23 March 2012
9:23 PM Zac is developing in leaps and bounds right now. He stood up properly tonight, stood for about ten seconds, even managing to rebalance a couple of times. Happily this happened just after Rafe got home so we both got to see it and share the wonder of this little creature now being able to stand. Zac was so proud if himself, grinning hugely and sometimes clapping when he stood up!
He’s going up stairs now, and insists on going down stairs and over ledges head first. There’s been a couple of close calls this week where I’ve caught him just before he landed on his head. Playgrounds are fantastically exciting for him now, and both exciting and a little scary for me, though mostly exciting.
He is chatting even more and his chatter has different tones and rhythm now – definitely sounding more like our speech pattern.
He is also sleeping a lot better. I’m scared to jinx it! Generally sleeping 6:30-6ish with 1-3 resettles. The cats however are really pushing things tonight. It’s wet outside, they’re both wild and restless and it is a miracle that their hijinks haven’t woken Zac. I’ve warned them that they’ll both be turfed out if they wake up Zac; they’re cats though, like they’ll listen to me.

EDIT: yeah, the sleeping well thing didn’t last. *sigh*

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