Back to reality, or is it surreality?

So once again I’m back in the land of pachinko parlours, extreme polyphonic ring tones, short people (I mistook a man pushing in front of me for an 8 yr old boy!) and taxis with self-opening doors. The last three weeks has been a complete whirlwind from which I’m just now trying to catch my breath: renewing acquaintances, deepening friendships, making new friends, visiting family, stocking up on necessities und luxuries, trying madly to spend time with everyone I care for,and failing, being part of one of the most beautiful weddings I’ve ever been to, having cuddles with Ophelia. Time so jam-packed with things my brain hardly knows where to start to process it all. Leaving is always difficult for me (hence the original vow not to return until it was for good) and it is even more difficult when leaving blossoming friendships and relationships which are still in soft crumbly soil and have not had time to settle in and solidify.
Now starts the task of unpacking – always an exciting yet sad thing to do at the end of every trip. Then the e-mailing; replies to those that have accrued, thanks to those who did funky things for me and apologies to those who I was not able to catch up with.
But before I go, a huge, huge, HUGE thank-you to kitling, nigelw and sly_girl for hosting my suitcase, and on occasion, me. My suitcase had a lovely relaxing holiday, chilling with MalMal, Skitch and Jumbles and did enjoy the odd roll which was taken in her 😉 You guys were fabulous and I really appreciated having somewhere to go where I could dip my toes into everyday householdy chats’n’things and take a break from ‘catch-up’ mode. Also, thanks for your patience with the hideously early morning wake-up yesterday, preceded by me packing well into the wee hours. And of course to kitling for driving me to the airport. You guys ROCK!

Also, sending wishes of blue skies and sunshine for Benno and Claire’s wedding today. Have a wonderful day guys – will be thinking of you both today *hugs*

now, the unpacking.

NB. Oh and I did get a lovely person serving me at the passport office and so now have a shiny new, non-moldy passport. Even better, absolutely no problems getting back into Japan, despite visa being in the now cancelled passport. Yay for beaurocracy going smoothly.

kitlingApril 9, 2005 - 1:34 am

Did you mean to leave the docs with the purple laces here?

kitlingApril 9, 2005 - 1:38 am

Oh and by the way – you are an excellent houseguest, we are happy to host you and your suitcase anytime

big hugs and glad you got back safely 🙂

derigueurApril 9, 2005 - 2:22 am

::big hugs::

Soft crumbly soil is good for fast-growing, verdant vegetation. So long as there’s water and sunlight, it’ll get roots down quickly and solidify itself…

gypsyamberApril 9, 2005 - 3:40 am

uh, yeah kinda. I think they can be thrown out. I knew there was a reason why I got new ones, I just forgot how uncomfortable my old ones had become. Time does strange things to memories!

gypsyamberApril 9, 2005 - 3:42 am

Thank-you! You are all fabulous house hosts! When next I’m back, shall definitely take you up on the offer 😉

gypsyamberApril 9, 2005 - 3:45 am

water and sunlight…two of my favourite things. And I’ve certainly discovered how quickly things grow in soft crumbly soil, even with just the briefest of times.

*big hugs back*

halloranelderApril 9, 2005 - 5:35 am

Lovely seeing you. See you when we’re both living in Melbourne…

barringtonApril 9, 2005 - 5:49 am


Sorry we didn’t catch up this time around. I’ll try harder next time!

Glad to hear you made it back safe and sound. Take care.

kitlingApril 11, 2005 - 2:24 am

shall i see if anyone wants them first?

also – need wendys phone number please…


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