the best attempts are made…

whitmanschild came over to chat yesterday, then we went to a pub quiz that was being held – I went to say hi to leafstan and anyone else I might know. What a culture shock. After the last three weeks of being surrounded by close friends, by the social group I’m most comfortable with, it was really disconcerting being around ‘mainstream’ stuff again. Small chitchat, no deep connections, very little shared history. Big crashing waves of homesickness abounded, leaving behind floods of doubts. A third year here is just that much more time away. But even then, I plan to be away longer, much longer. My current dreams don’t see me settling back in Melbourne for 5-10 years. My dreams are always flexible and, as anyone who has known me for longer than two years can attest, change relatively frequently. However, I can’t see my dream of living around the world changing, given it has been with me since early teens, and my desire to travel since I was seven. Part of me would love to return to melbourne, but whenever I seriously consider it, I invariably come across the question “what would I do?”. I don’t think there is anything there for me right now, and I would not be happy to not be working, or to be putting up with dodgy hospitality bosses yet again.
This is the life I choose, and I stand by my choice and know that, for now at least, it is the right one. I am living, and plan to live, my dream. But still there is confusion within me. whitmanschild says he couldn’t live the life I do, and the one I plan to, because it seems so lonely. I often get comments from people asking how I can live like this. I don’t know. It’s not that I don’t need or crave intimacy/affection/close contact with friends. I do, very much. It’s just that I crave travel more. The absolute happiest I’ve ever been is when I’m discovering and learning new places and seeing new points of view. Apart from friends, the two things which give me greatest joy, which just feel right,a part of my being, are travel and photography.

Who am I kidding though. The main point of confusion for me right now is due to stuff what happened during the last week. Too short a time to know what will be, and two years a long time to wait to find out. In the meantime, having returned and feeling so far away again, vows made to self after previous two relationships are being tested.

I am one, really mixed-up kitty cat right now. Thank-you universe, for such a well-timed curveball. Timed, almost precisely I believe, to hit me at the point where I’ve just fully regained my dreams and found myself again after the last major curveball. *listens to spirits chuckling all around*

However tomorrow work will start, and with it my life here will resume and soon I will be pre-occupied enough to not dwell on all the events of the last three weeks constantly. Well, a lot of dwelling will still occur, but not to the point of obsession! 😉

the_taoApril 10, 2005 - 3:00 am

You need to do what is right in your heart and soul.

Travel, be yourself.

Only change this if you want to. Those that care about you will, and do, understand your need to be you, for that is why we are your friends and why you hold such a special place in our hearts.

derigueurApril 10, 2005 - 4:15 am

Your dreams are a precious thing, and the fact that you are living them and finding out all the things you can be by doing so is a rare and amazing thing that most people never achieve.

Those who love you would be selfish indeed if they expected you to change and sacrifice your dreams for them. You are the person they love *because* of those dreams, and you enrich us all by giving us a glimpse of the world you are exploring through your travels and photography.

And two years can pass pretty quickly, when you are busy…

kowariApril 11, 2005 - 5:01 am

I am not going anywhere. I daresay tha porn party will be held again when you arrive and we are both not insanely busy (or sick YICK!)

gypsyamberApril 11, 2005 - 5:09 am


Shall work on finding some dodgy Japanese porn, then.

gypsyamberApril 11, 2005 - 5:15 am

then busy me up, baby.

(aftet the last three weeks, I can’t believe I just said that!) *slaps forehead*

Thank-you for your encouragement. Funnily enough, it is not others wanting me to come home which is pulling me – I can feel how much everyone supports me in what I do, even when it means being away for stupidly long amounts of time. No, the battle is more within myself – to not get so caught up in new things and old friends that I lose sight of my goals and of my heart.


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